Why Disney Infinity 2.0 isn’t on the Nintendo 3DS

Published on April 30th, 2014 by Eric Weichhart

Why Disney Infinity 2.0 isn't on the Nintendo 3DS
Disney Infinity 2.0, as teased, will be updated with some new features and new characters. The hype will mostly be for Marvel’s fans because the main innovation of this game is the addition of Marvel characters.

The game will be heading to the Nintendo Wii U, however, it will not be available for the Nintendo 3DS or Nintendo Wii. Disney Interactive explained the reason of this to NintendoWorldReport:

“They chose the platforms that were able to support the features and top quality play experiences Disney wanted to deliver to gamers worldwide”

You can see the trailer of the game below if you’re interested in getting the Wii U version:


About Eric Weichhart

Eric enjoys playing video games in his 3DS XL and Wii U. Platform, puzzles and RPG are his favorites. He doesn't care if a game is 1080p or 720p, it only needs to be fun.