Artisan's GBA Pokemon Hack Ideas

Artisan's GBA Pokemon Hack Ideas

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Where am I?! JK JK JK... but seriously though, Can I just say that this is really great! Wow! Cannot wait to see this happen! -can't I at least be route ones first opponent... maybe a preschooler?! ;~;-
You'll be the OP Linoone and Swellow user at the beginning of the game.
you should make shiny the rival if there is one
5 stars for my role
This looks really interesting! I haven't been active here in ages so I'm glad I'm still remembered, with you putting me as an End Game Trainer ^-^ Good luck with your project! And who's the Champion of the region btw, if there is one?
I want it to be a surprise but I may PM it to you.
Where am I in it? :eyes:

I was expecting this comment from everyone tbh. I'm thinking you could be the Professor's aide or some special Pokémon event in-game like Gyarados from GSC.
Hey, I'm really liking the idea so far. Frankly I'm still surprised with that there's still a way to make GBA hacks ever since Pokémon Essentials went down. Or I'm mistaking the name. Or I really am unlucky in my searched. >.< Can't wait to see it!
Good luck on the project : )