Beautiful snow

Beautiful snow

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Is that GIF at the end from Wolf Children? I can faintly recall it. Anyway, I agree a bit with you. Snow is a very cool thing. I used to live in southern California, right next to Death Valley for 11+ years. Born and raised. It was really, really hot, and it almost never snowed. I did get used to the heat though, which is good. I remember how happy I was when I found out me and my family were moving to a place that snows a lot. To this day, I still marvel at how fantastic snow is.
That is so touching,and yes it is,I loved that anime they were so cute~ but yeah I agree with you on most of it. Snow is a good thing.
I think I've had enough of snow >.< just the benefits of living in the northern United States >.<
Thats alright it has yet to snow where I am to. I bet in the morning tomorrow i'm probably going jolt out of bed and run to the window again heh.