Word came days earlier that paper mario will not be returning to it's roots. Color splash director, (I cant spell her name), says that paper mario wont come back to the RPG battle system that we hold dear to our hearts because of the M&L series. Paper Mario and M&L had always been equals in my eyes, each one holding it's own unique and memorable traits, and it breaks my heart t see nintendo valuing shine over gameplay in the new paper marios. As most of us know, M&L and Paper Mario are entirely different series with different values, but nintendo is now valuing one over the other. For the First in Forever, since Sticker Star, I am decently angry at Nintendo for there new choices and changes towards PM. I am cauhgt in a fear that Super Paper Mario may be the last paper mario game to come out. 

.(Unless you count M&L Paper Jam, which I don't 'cause it plays like M&L and is technicaly a crossover)