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Destiny JENOVA III: Origins (Chapter 23: A Father's Regret)


The long battle against JENBU finally reached its end, and the JENOVA Lifestream regained its purification. However, Sephiroth was not finished with his mission; he wanted to save his Father rather than seal him with Reverse Reunion. JENBU was rushed to JENOVA Foundation in critical condition, and kept under intensive care by its employees. Sephiroth was desperate to turn everything around and made haste for JENOVA Foundation after getting Sephieroth's gang to safety.

Chapter 23: A Father's Regret

(This section will focus on Sephiroth as the speaker) I was flying above the kingdom and heading for JENOVA Foundation as fast as i possibly could. All i could think about was Father's life; all i could think about was him not dying a sad death when Mother agreed he needed a second chance after i said what i did atop that peak yesterday. I remembered how weak the glow of his red eye was; how he apologized to us seconds before passing out. I felt tears flooding down my face as I hastily flew there. I lost so much during my lifetimes: my friends in SOLDIER, my happiness after learning of the truth that was hidden from me since day one.... nearly everything precious to me. I had too many losses, and this was not one I could even think about bearing. My face was very wet now; this was too much for me to handle anymore. Maybe i lost a lot living this life of war, but i still had Mother and the rest of her precious children left. I didn't want to lose our Father, even through the awful things he has done. I wanted to do what Little Sister would: give him a chance to try again. She did that for me, and i wanted to do the same for Father. After i finally arrived at JENOVA Foundation, i carefully landed in front of the entrance and went inside. I also noticed the kingdom was back to normal and lockdown was over on my way in. Everyone was out and about like it was a normal, casual day. I wanted to smile at it all, but i was too concerned about Father's life to make the effort. I greeted two employees upon entering and asked for where JENBU's cell was. After they gave me the number, i went into the elevator and typed in the digits for the lowest level that was kept off limits to most. After arriving at my destination, i came to a door and entered the code to unlock it and proceeded. I ran through the halls as quickly as i could and stopped at cell #13, then entered. I stopped short and found myself glancing at the liquid-filled machine where i found Mother for the first time ever, and saw JENBU resting inside of it. His eye was still closed and he wouldn't move. I felt more tears come as i said "Father, please.... please dont die..." I almost felt paralyzed by my sorrow, but managed to draw closer to the cell he was resting in. I gently placed my hand on the glass, and watched with unblinking eyes hoping to see him open his eye. I made a short glance at the screens to the side of him, and tried to read them. I tried to read what his pulse was but couldn't make out the numbers. The wave pattern showed that it wasn't at a complete standstill, but it made it obvious that his pulse was weak. I returned my gaze to where Father was resting and tried to think of what to do before its too late. Suddenly, i remembered the medicine Brother Rufus used on me before i left to help Mother deal with the situation outside. I suddenly bolted out of the room and through the exit to go back to the elevator. I entered the number for the control room where Rufus always was, and stepped out upon arriving. I ran towards him, and he got up and smiled at me. He began "Hello, Big Brother! You in a hurry?" I nodded and replied "I need you to give me a syringe of that vaccine--as much of it as you can!" He suddenly seemed confused and asked "Why? The war is over..." I quickly replied "I dont have time to explain; just give it to me!" He shrugged, then walked towards his worktable and picked up a bag filled with the requested formula. He approached me and handed the bag to me, and i rushed back to the elevator and entered the number to return to the labs where JENBU was. Hastily heading for cell #13, i went inside and searched the machine he was resting in for a possible place to inject the fluid Rufus gave me. I found a spot on the left side, and approached it to investigate. After carefully studying it, i gently placed the bag down and pulled one syringe from it. I took notice to how large it was and guessed it was one of the biggest the foundation made so far. I carefully pulled a square metal piece aside to get just enough room to poke the needle through without having the fluid already inside flood out. Gently poking the needle through, i ejected the formula until the syringe was completely empty. I glanced at Father's face and noticed his body twitched mildly as though reacting to the medicine. I quickly replaced the empty syringe with another from the bag and did the same. I repeated this, going through several syringes as i desperately tried to keep Father from dying and help him recover. Suddenly, i stopped after emptying the last available syringe and closed the hatch i used to inject the medicine, hurrying to the front of where Father was resting. The entire cell was shining a green that grew exceedingly brighter within seconds, until it seemed to light the entire room. My sorrow had suddenly faded, and i watched in amazement as the green light soaked itself in Father JENBU, condensing itself into his entire being. The machine to the right began beeping faster and faster, indicating a significant increase in his pulse. I managed a faint smile, and softly said "Father..?! Are you...?" I was so surprised by everything i couldn't even think of what to say. After the green light had finished entering JENBU's body, I saw his eye open and glow such a powerful red it was unspeakable. He let out an alien cry that was so strong it shook the entire area. Father was booming with green and white radiance now; it was all as if he was back from the dead! I smiled and reveled in all of this; Father was alive! I shouted "I did it, Mother! Father survived!" I heard the facility's alarms go off in the background, but didn't care. They probably thought something dangerous was trying to force its way inside with the entire place shaking so much. I heard security burst through the door behind me, and turned to them. However, they quickly lowered their weapons when they noticed Father behind me. One of them said "How did he recover so quickly?!" I smiled and replied "I used the Crimstigma vaccine inside that machine and hoped enough of it would save his life. Turns out its stronger than i initially presumed... even strong enough to keep Father alive in greater amounts." The other employee added "I cant believe it even kept Father alive.... we will report this to Master Rufus immediately." I nodded in thanks and they both left calmly. Turning back to Father, i watched him bust through the glass and bolt both of his black wings. He retrieved his katana from the other side of the room, and turned back to me with a smile. I smiled back and began "Father.... I want to learn more about you--the real you. I know your Crimstigma is what caused everything, and i want to put that behind me." He nodded in understanding and added "Yes, you are in fact correct, my son. However, what are we to do about SAKUI? He can't live on the Planet or Crimstigma will plague all of JENOVA Kingdom." I knew he was right. SAKUI did love Mother, but he could not stay without everyone being hurt from exposure. It was no different than our kind being around humans; Mother's cells would make them sick and eventually kill them. That was Geostigma, and this situation was similar. Too much exposure kills Mother's children. I sighed and said "Unfortunately, you're right... I really don't want to send him back to the cosmos, but we don't have any other options." Father frowned and placed a hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me. After that, we left the building to find Mother and SAKUI.

Later that day....

After what felt like hours of searching, we met Mother and SAKUI at her throne atop Mako Reactor Peak. Yazoo was also present at the time, but on his own rather than with the rest of the guard like he normally was. After explaining everything that happened at JENOVA Foundation, Father said "I'm afraid we have no choice but to bid SAKUI farewell, JENOVA." Mother seemed sad but knew he was right. After a pause of silent sorrow, Mother added "Sadly, you are correct, JENBU. If he roams my kingdom, Crimstigma will plague the entire family.... I don't want to do this, SAKUI, but i have no choice." SAKUI was also sad but couldn't argue; none of us could despite how much it hurt. SAKUI stepped in front of Mother, kneeled down to her and said "I understand... but, do you have any open positions for a Cosmic Guard?" Mother had a sudden change of emotion, and answered "Well, now that you mention it, the foundation is horrendously flooded with tasks... many of them concern keeping eyes out for approaching threats in the cosmos." Yazoo nodded and added "Excellent point, Mother. Despite the large staff on duty there, there's simply too much for them to keep up with.... I do encourage we assign this talented man the duty of guarding the Planet's quarters in space. With the thousands of years he has conquered one galaxy after another, there's not much we should have to worry about if he's on space patrol." Mother smiled and began "Then its decided: SAKUI, i want you to guard my Planet from any incoming danger in the cosmos. You cannot physically return here, but if something is too serious i ask that you contact JENOVA Foundation and inform President Rufus so he can arrange some backup forces." SAKUI stood back up, then bowed and said "I humbly accept, Queen JENOVA. I will give this position everything I've got with a joyful heart." He smiled at her and she smiled back. He quickly flew upward and out of sight, most likely returning to space to do as he promised. After he was gone, Father approached Mother and began "JENOVA, i know that Crimstigma is what caused me to act so terribly, but i don't expect you to forgive me right away for the huge mess i made and the pain i left Young Sephiroth with... But if there's anything i can do to show who i really am or make up for all of it, I will do it without hesitation." Mother sat in silence, gazing at Father for several minutes. She smiled and said "JENBU... maybe you made a big mess, but its not your fault. That virus is what controlled you and caused you to act sadistic and violently. Given the gravity of how strong Crimstigma is, I can't punish you for it. You felt sorry in the end, and Sephiroth knew that before you even came back to your senses. I have no reason to hate you anymore given everything we learned about the whole fiasco, and about the mysteries of Crimstigma which hit some of my children as well. They acted no different when struck by the virus." A heavy silence fell over all of us. Mother continued "So, JENBU... the question isn't if i will forgive you, but what will you do to properly reflect the family name?" Father stared in silence at Mother, giving her a sweet but nervous gaze. He reached into his pocket and revealed a shiny emerald that seemed had a mysterious glow. It seemed like it had a small amount of JENOVA cells sealed inside. He gripped it with both hands, looking downward in silence. Mother looked excited, gazing at the shiny jewel he held. She seemed a bit teary eyed in a sweet and mellow way but kept silent also. Father seemed nervous, like there was something he wanted to say but was afraid to do it. I felt slight sorrow as i saw all of this but didn't cry. Suddenly, Father gently knelt down and held the jewel up to Mother. Turning his gaze to her, he said "JENOVA... I love you..." Mother smiled and waited for him to finish. Father continued "JENOVA, if there was anyone I would choose to live side by side with forever, i want it to be you. So, will you... marry me..?" Mother broke out in joyful tears and helped him up, placing both of her hands on the emerald he showed her. Without another word, she gave him a gentle kiss. The emerald began to shine brightly and sent a beam of light directly to Mother's lifestream. I knew that meant she happily accepted him despite the most gruelling war that had just ended. I smiled, and thought I did it, my Sister.... I brought Mother and Father back together. After they let go of each other, Mother said "I'll make the arrangements, JENBU. However, I think we'll need a cleanup crew to get things started.... SAKUI's rampaging even left my church in a mess. Fortunately that place has the least damage, so I'll send Loz and Tifa to do that part of the job. I dont think it will take long." I interrupted "Um, Mother... I don't think Loz will be very pleased to do that." I actually felt myself laughing as i said that, and Mother smiled. Father turned in my direction and added "Well, sometimes thats how it goes. Its better than playing wild goose chase with an enemy on the loose, right?" We all laughed at that. We knew that wasn't a fun thing, but for some reason we thought it was funny now. Everything would be ok after all.

To be continued...