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Destiny JENOVA III: Origins (Chapter 26: Darkness& Pain)


JENOVA had known Sephieroth's time on the Planet was up with war in her kingdom ceasing existence. Unable to bear the grief and sadness, JENOVA sat in her throne crying, unable to think about anything but the loss of her youngest angel, Sephieroth. She heard Sephieroth's last words, but still was helpless to overcome her deep hurt. All she could think about was getting her back, even though she was clueless how to do it.

Chapter 26: Darkness& Pain

(This section will focus on JENOVA as the speaker) I could not shake away my heavy tears after seeing poor Sephieroth fade into my lifestream. She was the reason everything up to now was a success; she had a major role in shaping my two other remnants, Yazoo and Loz. She even reached Sephiroth and Sulbio with her heart. I didn't know what to say anymore; I didn't know what to do. I suddenly had a vision, and found myself in a dark wasteland, Rufus Shinra and Shinra employees standing right in front of me. I was on the ground, weeping in deep hurt and despair, and the Shinra employees were laughing at me. Rufus smiled, holding a chain that also wrapped around my neck. One of the employees laughed and said "That's right, JENOVA: you're helpless and powerless to change anything. As long as we have you, you're nothing but a tool for research and experiments. You're too weak to change this Planet." I groaned, tears still falling from my face. Two more chains came into view, both Shinra employees holding the ends; all of them connected to me. Rufus smiled and said "Sephiroth can't save you, because we're the ones who made him. He is no match." My tears were heavier now. Gaining surprising strength, I quickly got to my feet and snapped the chains they tied to me like a twig. Even though the shackles were broken, the pain didn't leave. Then the vision faded, and I slowly glanced up and saw my lifestream was clouded in slight darkness. I began "No... I don't want to hurt Sephieroth! She's resting in there..!" Even though i stopped crying, the darkness remained. I continued "Now Sephiroth and her gang will know what happened... they'll see the darkness in my lifestream and know something isn't right, and I will have to tell them everything. I can't hide it for long, either way..."

Meanwhile, Sephiroth was flying above the kingdom...

I suddenly felt an ominous energy wave while I was flying around, and stopped in midair. I began "Something's not right... this feeling of despair above me..." I glanced above at Mother's lifestream, and noticed the darkness welling up in it. I cried "No... no! Mother!" I quickly turned around and flew for Mako Peak to help Mother. I tried to tune into Sister Sephieroth, and said "Sister, Mother's in trouble. Meet me at her--" I didn't finish; I wasn't getting any life response from Sephieroth at all. I didn't even feel her JENOVA cells react to my call. I barely made out "What is happening..? Mother's lifestream is in darkness, and Little Sister isn't responding at all. I have a bad feeling about this!" I tried to reach Yazoo, and asked "Yazoo, have you seen Sephieroth?" I got a fast response, and he said "Big Brother? What's wrong?" I replied "I think something very bad just happened. Mother's lifestream has darkness welling up inside, and I can't contact Little Sister. I need you to try finding her for me immediately." Yazoo said "Got it, Brother. I don't think we should wait around for whatever's going on, so I'll get Loz and Sulbio too. We'll search the entire kingdom for her." I added "Thank you, Yazoo. I'll help Mother. Hopefully she is unharmed. No matter what, don't let your guard down. If something has penetrated our defenses in the cosmos, I fear it is the worst of threats." Yazoo asked "But why?" I answered "The only way the JENOVA Lifestream can have darkness growing like that is if something has really hurt Mother and she fails to control her pain." Yazoo added "And what happens if we're too late?" I felt a tear fall from my face and said "Mother... will die. If she is too bound up emotionally, it can kill her." Yazoo cried "What?!! But... that's impossible!" I sighed and said "I hate to give bad news, but its not impossible. If something has Mother in deep hurt, it weakens her cells which can lead to death if we don't do something to help her. And if she dies, everyone in the kingdom dies with her." I could hear Yazoo crying lightly, as though he was trying not to cry at all. He cried "Hold on, Mother! We'll save you!" After he disconnected, I arrived at Mako Peak and landed. To my surprise, Mother wasn't physically hurt at all. However, she was on the ground and seemed to be in unspeakable grief. I slowly approached her and said "Mother... what happened after I left?" Mother stood up and said "Sephieroth, she's gone... forever." I remembered being unable to reach Little Sister, and realized Mother was being serious. I replied "That explains why I couldn't contact her... what happened to her? Who killed her?" Mother began explaining "Nobody killed her, Sephiroth. I'm sorry I didn't tell you and her gang about this sooner, but she was only living off the life energy of my desire to establish eternal peace within my family and make my legacy eternal. And since all of that has been finished, she faded into my lifestream as a result... and I couldn't do anything to stop her death..." I forced myself not to cry to avoid worsening the situation, replacing it with firm defiance. I added "Mother, don't let yourself get drowned in grief. If you do that, the darkness thats already grown in your lifestream will grow stronger. If it gets too powerful, it could completely remove her from existence. As long as she remains there resting in peace, bringing her back is not impossible. Even if you don't know how to give her life again, you know me and her gang will do all we can to help you find a way, Mother. All of us would search like there's no tomorrow when you need help doing something, Mother. You know we won't leave this alone, especially if you can't." Mother managed a faint smile, and said "Thank you, Sephiroth... but what about my wedding? I can't take this out on JENBU." I replied "The wedding can wait, Mother. I want you to have all of your most valued children able to see that special day--even Sephieroth. You know how honorable she truly was. She gave all of your SOLDIERS the strength to do almost anything. Had you never birthed her, the family would be very different than it is now. We may even have still been stuck in Shinra's vicious circle without her being around." Mother added "You're right, my son. She didn't give up on me, and I shouldn't give up on her either. I heard her final words before she died... she told me not to let my pain defeat me, and to work with you and her gang to find a way to bring her back. And before she faded completely, she said just don't give up... just like she always said when something looks inky and bleak." I said "Even though she was on the verge of death, she kept her SOLDIER Way... that takes serious strength when you know you're done for. She is the only one in your lifestream, too... she must be sad and lonely. We will find a way to revive her, Mother. But we can't do it without your guidance." I smiled at Mother and put both hands on her shoulders. Mother smiled back, silently looking me in the eye for what felt like several minutes. Several tears fell from her face, and she hugged me gently. When I put my arms around her, I noticed her metallic silver wings were also horribly withered, leaving only the burnt ends inside her back. I knew that was very bad; if her grief was so deep she lost her wings, that was an early sign of her cells weakening. Hang in there, Mother... I thought. We'll save you and your lost angel, I promise.

To be continued....