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Destiny JENOVA III: Origins (Chapter 28: The JENOVA Lifestream Master)


After discovering Sephieroth's remains, Yazoo and the rest of her gang set a route to meet up with JENOVA and discuss how to bring her back. Sephiroth was already there, helping JENOVA break the bindings that had weakened her in order to protect his Sister resting in the JENOVA lifestream and the rest of the kingdom from disaster. JENOVA managed to succeed with Sephiroth's help, and her lifestream returned to its natural brilliance, along with her entire being regaining its silver brilliance. Meanwhile, Sephieroth was still resting in the JENOVA Lifestream, waiting for JENOVA and her brothers to find a way to revive her.

Chapter 28: The JENOVA Lifestream Master

I was still laying down in the infinite white and green space. I wanted to be able to do something to help guide my brothers on the Planet, but I didn't know how to without being alive. It was very deserted here. Nobody seemed to be here but myself. I wanted to enjoy the blissful light of Mother's lifestream that was all around me, but I felt so lonely it was hard to do. I slowly stood up, and started to wander elsewhere. I didn't know why I got up, or even where I was going, but I hoped there would at least be one other soul here who moved on before I did. It was very vacant; all I could hear were the sounds of Mother's lifestream. There was no sign of anyone anywhere. Even still, I kept going, hoping to see at least one other person. Out of nowhere, I heard a what sounded like a young woman's voice say "Are you in need of help?" Stopping in my own tracks, I glanced elsewhere and cried "Who goes there?! Show yourself!" I immediately drew my katana, being wary of whatever was here. Before I even got a response, someone gently grabbed my shoulders from behind and turned me their way. I couldn't believe who I was looking at, and cried "Aerith?! But... how?" The only difference I saw was her silver hair and green eyes like all of Mother's children had; everything else was the same. She placed a hand on my katana, gently pushing it down. I figured she did that to show she meant me no harm. I went on "But... you died before the Infinite Reunion activation! So how are you..?" She replied "I was the only person who wasn't erased completely during the Infinite Reunion activation. All others who died prior to it are no more." I asked "Why did Mother leave you here all by yourself then?" Aerith answered "She wanted me to be the overlord of her lifestream and care for any of her children who didn't make it alive in her kingdom. However, you're the only one who's died and winded up here so far." I said "Oh... I bet it's hard being all alone here like that, Sister... I started getting sad because I thought no one else was here but me. My gang, my poor Brothers... I'm not even sure if they know I'm dead. I don't know what to do! And Mother must be heartbroken..." Aerith gently brushed my face with her hand, and said "Your poor thing... you have a lot of unfinished business, I see. But I think I can help you find a way back to JENOVA Kingdom." Excited, I cried "Really? How?!" She replied "It's not a guarantee, but come with me and I will show you what's going on in the kingdom." Aerith walked a few ways ahead of me, and I sheathed my katana and followed her. I stopped beside her, and she put both of her hands together and closed her eyes. Before long, a blue space appeared before us and quickly grew large enough to enter. Opening her eyes and lowering her hands, she said "Follow me through here, Sephieroth." I obeyed without speaking, and the hole closed behind us. Her pink clothes quickly turned black and her gauntlets turned from white to silver. She walked towards a black throne that was a few ways ahead of us, and turned back to face me. I drew closer to her and asked "Why did Mother pick you to be the JENOVA Lifestream master?" Aerith replied "I was the only one with the necessary abilities to control the energy of Mother's lifestream without having it grow dark or run amok. If her lifestream runs amok it can make everyone in her kingdom gravely ill, and if gets consumed by darkness, everyone on her Planet dies. JENOVA's lifestream is not only a safe haven for any of her children who fall short, but is essential to all life in her legacy and kingdom. If it isn't balanced and healthy, things can get ugly for the family in many ways. I am the only one with the necessary potential to keep it under control and protect any souls who pass on and come here." I said "I see... so you're the Celestial Princess of legend I've heard stories about?" She giggled and shook her head, then replied "Is that what they're calling me now? Wow, how stories change and become silly!" I smiled at her. For someone who's been alone for untold years, she sure seemed awfully happy and sweet. She continued "I may have exceptional holy and celestial prowess, but I never encouraged or claimed that title. I'm simply in charge of Mother's lifestream and a guardian of sorts to the family." I nodded in understanding, and asked "Well, how can I help my Brothers bring me back? I can't leave Mother and Sephiroth in pain like that..." Aerith answered "You cannot help them find what they're looking for on your own, Sephie. Though you were a powerful angel much like Sephiroth, you need extra help reaching them from a distance like this. That's why I'm offering you my help." I stood in silence, waiting for her to keep going. She turned towards what seemed like a wall of light, and opened some kind of black space. I followed her gaze, and the black space took shape of what I recognized as Brother Yazoo holding a box at JENOVA Square. I began "What's Brother holding?" Aerith explained "That box your Brother has contains what is left of your JENOVA cells. When you began to fade into Mother's lifestream, your dying wish took the shape of that box, containing a high concentration of JENOVA cells inside of it. Before too much time went by, Yazoo and the rest of your gang spotted and retrieved them. When Yazoo saw what was inside, he knew you were dead. Beside your remains was your materia you had to summon Perfect WEAPON; Loz was the one to recover it." I gasped, feeling a glimpse of hope as she spoke. Another image appeared beside it, and showed Mother standing in front of Big Brother Sephiroth. Mother was radiant with silver light, and her metallic wings also returned; a silver halo was above her headgear with rays of silver light emanating from it. Her expression was not of grief and despair, but of great intent and defiance. Aerith continued "As you know, your death left Mother in great tears and despair. But as you can see here, she is strong and her health has returned. Your Big Brother, Sephiroth, passed on your SOLDIER Way and helped her regain her strength with the same encouragement you would have given. Now she is ready to help your brothers find a way to get you back." I smiled, and tears fell from my face; I cried "Mother! You're ok!" After both images dissipated, Aerith turned back to face me. I glanced back at her, suddenly asking "But... how does any of this tell me how they can get me back? I don't get it... I'm glad my Brothers aren't broken and Mother is still strong, but it doesn't make sense with my question..." Aerith smiled and said "Oh, you silly girl... you always said being strong and persistent makes the impossible possible." I felt embarrassed, but managed to smile anyway. I listened for her to finish, and she continued "Your remains are the key to reviving you, Sephieroth. However, there is one problem: in order to facilitate your return to JENOVA Kingdom, one of Mother's children must be sacrificed for it to work." I cried "What?!! You're... just kidding, right?" Aerith shook her head and replied "I'm afraid not, my Sister. Someone will have to give their life in exchange for your return. Those remains are supposed to function that way. Either you must choose who will be your new vessel, or someone must willingly give their life so you can come back." I moaned, then said "No way... isn't there at least one other way I can regain life..?" Aerith shook her head but kept silent. I continued "But why? I don't understand..." Aerith explained "Your remains need a body to latch onto and make your own: that's your Reunion. If you don't have a vessel to cling to, you can't return. I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanted to hear, Sephieroth, but it's the truth." I suddenly felt guilt sweep over me hearing all of this. The only way I could come back was at the expense of another of Mother's children. I didn't know what to do or say about all of it. Aerith began "The other alternative is to wait several years for your body to pull itself back into existence. That's the much longer but less painful way." I balled my hands into fists, quickly raising my head and said "No, I'll do it. I'd rather come back sooner so Mother won't go through all that pain again. But first, is there some way you can reach Mother or Yazoo about this? If we don't give them some kind of clue, they'll be running in circles forever." Aerith smiled and nodded, saying "Of course I can! That's a necessity for my position in the family." Without going any further, Aerith put her hands together, kneeling down and closing her eyes. I had a feeling she was using her powers to reach Mother and Yazoo. I almost felt bad leaving Aerith all alone here. She was so beautiful and sweet. She was unspeakably kind to me even though we've only just met, too. I didn't want to leave her all by herself in the JENOVA Lifestream, but I knew if I didnt go back to JENOVA Kingdom, Mother wouldn't get to see me again. I suddenly didnt know what to choose. I had two choices: either go back to the kingdom and say goodbye to poor Aerith, or stay here and leave Mother's family without the Family Hero I was. I was at a loss here; I didn't know what the best choice was, or even which was truly the right one. I glanced back at Aerith, who was still in the same position as before, but had tears falling from her face. She was lonelier than she appeared to be when she found me. I knew she didn't want to be by herself again and that was why she was crying. I approached her and sat beside her, gently cuddling up to her to comfort her. She took immediate notice to me and said "Sephie..?" I began "You don't want me to go back, do you?" Aerith paused, then said "No, but Mother needs you in the kingdom, and your Brothers probably want you back, too. I can't just intervene like that; it's not right." I sighed, then said "You're right: they want me back, Aerith. But they have each other; you don't have anyone if I go back." Aerith kept staring at me but didn't speak. Her tears had stopped. I gently grabbed her hand, and felt my form change afterwards. She seemed to recognize me and said "Kadaj..?" I realized I reverted to my larval form. I continued "Aerith, I know you're a very strong and sweet person; I knew it when you approached me outside. I can't push myself to leave you like that without any thought; it's wrong and I know it is. I know how painful and wounding loneliness truly is, Aerith. For the rest of days in Shinra, I had to finish the mission myself because Cloud Strife killed my two Brothers I loved and cherished above all else. I grew up with them, we were happy together and having fun despite living a life of war.... and he killed them, taking them from me when I was only 15. I felt hopeless, alone... and fell into a deep darkness and long-term despair since they were killed. I wanted to die, just to go to Mother so I wouldn't be alone and suffer anymore. Just to see my fallen Brothers again. But I didn't slew myself with my own sword; I pushed forward despite my depression, and gained the courage to stand up to the man who killed my Brothers and betrayed Mother. Knowing what I went through during the struggle to overthrow Shinra for Mother, I just can't leave you sad and lonely like this." Aerith kept silent, but lunged towards me, hanging her arms over my back. I realized she was hugging me, and put my arms around her. After several minutes, she let go of me and said "But, Kadaj... what about JENOVA and your Brothers?" I looked down, then returned my gaze to her, and said "I don't know, but... as hard as it is, I can't leave you by yourself. Even if it means Mother won't see me again..." Aerith said "What do you want to do, Kadaj? What do you think is the right choice?" I found myself unable to respond; I knew both choices had unfortunate consequences, and either side would have a loss that couldn't be taken lightly. Suddenly, an idea came to my head, and i said "Aerith, teach me how to communicate with Mother and my Brothers from this place." I smiled, and Aerith seemed to grow hopeful, standing up and also helping me up. She said "Ok, but it won't be easy." I smiled and said "Then that's how it is! I'll try as hard as I have to. I won't stop until I get it right!" Aerith added "Wow, you really are a strong one. I guess what I observed remains so." I didn't know how this would end up, but I had a good feeling about everything now. My only hope was that everyone would be happy in the end.

To be continued...