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Destiny JENOVA III: Origins (Chapter 33: The Divine Birth& a Brother's Tears)

Chapter 33: The Divine Birth& a Brother's Tears

(This section will focus on Yazoo as the speaker) I arrived at Vincent's and Yuffie's place shortly after contacting Mother about Little Sister's critical condition. I got off my motorbike, and knocked on the door. I pulled my gunblade, and Yuffie opened the door after a short time. She said "Well if it isn't Prince Yazoo... what do you need?" I replied "I need to see Brother Vincent to talk about something, if he's home." Yuffie said "You want to see him? I don't know why you'd want to, but knock yourself out, Brother. He's inside the living room trying to rest from the intense training he did with our son yesterday. Our kid's also sleeping in the living room chair if you need something from him, too. Though I can't imagine why you'd ask a kid for anything..." She let me inside, and shut the door behind me. I went through the hallway and entered the living room at the end, and Vincent took notice to me. He asked "Yazoo? What are you doing here?" I answered "There's something serious I need to discuss, and I thought you might be able to give me some idea or even help us on the matter. The story's a bit long, and it's not a happy one... but I need you to hear everything for Mother's sake." I explained everything about Little Sister's disappearance, told him about her current condition and everything else about the incident of her passing. After I finished, he said "Ouch, sounds like you're in a tough spot... But what do you think I can do about any of this?" I answered "Brother, you're the only one I know who has sufficient expertise with breaking the boundaries of time-space dimensions and otherworldly places. The reason Kadaj is barely alive is because of the force in the JENOVA Lifestream trying to reclaim her. Having completed her role in Mother's legacy, she was supposed to die. She managed to defy this force enough using the Ultimate Reunion to regain physical form, but we had to put her in JENOVA Chamber in order to keep her alive. She was already weak after using that power, and is only alive because of the flood of JENOVA cells in there.... barely. Little Sister is so far gone, the only way we can keep her from dying is by finding a way to break the connection to the force trying to reclaim her life.... Which brings me to the reason I came to seek your assistance. If we don't act fast, she won't make it, Brother. You're the only one I know who might be able to save her at this point." Vincent's expression hardened but he didn't speak. I grew firm, and said "Would you rather let Mother sacrifice herself? That's the only other alternative. I know you don't like being given requests like this, but please. Listen to me just this once!" Vincent said "Tch, fine... I'll check it out. But I'm not promising anything, got it?" Then Vincent flew past me without another word. I shook my head and said "As arrogant as ever, I see... even when it comes to Mother. What a blowhard..." Yuffie approached me and said "I know he can be a blockhead, Yazoo... believe me. But I'm sure he'll get over it. He always does at some point. I apologize for his attitude, though." I replied "No, it's not your fault. Don't take the blame for something you had no part of. Thank you for your kindness, though." Yuffie seemed sad, and said "I just can't believe him sometimes, though.. he responded to you like this was some kind of joke that had no meaning! How can you not care about something so serious? He reacted like Mother sacrificing herself didn't mean a thing to him!" She turned around, and groaned. She angrily cried "That's it! He's gone too far with that attitude! It's time I talk some sense into him for once." She pulled out her large shuriken, and dashed outside without turning back. Even after the last ordeal she and Brother had that JENOVA SOLDIER had to step into, they were still fighting. I guess that's just their way of problem solving, I thought. I sheathed my gunblade and tried to reach Mother. I began "Mother, it's Yazoo. Do you read me?" For some reason, the response I got sounded very fuzzy. I thought I heard Mother's voice somewhere in it, but the response was too weak for me to understand. I suddenly began to panic, but spoke as calmly as I could "Mother, say something! Don't scare me like this..." I heard a weak cry that sounded like hers, followed by more static. I slowly lowered my trembling hand and said "No... was I too late..?" I began crying now, as quietly as I could. I sobbed "This can't be... I failed her...!" My legs gave out, and I dropped to the floor. I was devastated. I never felt so guilty in my life. I went on "Mother... our precious Mother.... she's gone..!" I hurried to my feet and dashed outside, getting on my motorbike and then driving to JENOVA Foundation as fast as I could. I didn't hit the brakes even once. All I could think about now was hoping I wasn't too late, that there was still time to stop her from sacrificing herself. I know she wanted to do it to save Little Sister, but I didn't want to lose her over the problem. On my way there, I tried to reach Mother once more and said "Don't do this, Mother! Please!" I got another fuzzy response, barely hearing her over the noise. She sounded like she was barely breathing, but the static was so loud I wasn't sure. I cried "Mother, please! If you do this, you don't understand what will happen! Loz will go berserk and rampage the kingdom!" Now all I could hear was the static; not even a hint of life signs from Mother. I had no choice but to focus on driving and hope I would be just in time to stop the experiment. I knew Mother was already very weak based on the response I got when I tried to reach her. There wasn't much time left. I contacted Vincent and cried "Brother, hurry up! We're running out of time!" Vincent answered "Then I'll just have to cut through a wormhole and sever the connection from here." I was panicking now. I didn't want to, but I knew this was too serious. I replied "You can't! The foundation's security blocks the signal and will send you back where you are; it's no use trying! Just go as fast as you can!" Vincent sighed, and said "We're not gonna make it then! It's too far and Mother is too far gone already!" Angry, I yelled "You're not giving up, got it?! That's an order, not a request!" He sighed but didn't speak. I didn't bother going on anymore. I knew I got my point across, whether he liked it or not. When I arrived outside JENOVA Foundation, I slammed the brakes and parked. I quickly got off my motorbike and started towards the entrance, but something stopped me. I glanced at the sky above, and caught a glimpse of something that seemed to be closing in on Mother's Planet. It was drawing closer at a frightening pace. Before long, I realized it was heading right for me! I turned and ran away as fast as I could, struggling to avoid getting hit by whatever was approaching. At the last minute, I dashed around the closest corner to take cover, and covered my ears just before the collision happened, barely behind me. The crash shook the entire ground. After the tremor stopped, I carefully got to my feet and went to check out the crash site. As I expected, the crash left a huge crater and a lot of rubble surrounding it. I examined the shattered rock, and noticed it was a meteoroid that crash-landed. It was clearly very powerful as well, which caught my interest. There was a large concentration of JENOVA cells all over the meteoroid fragments and entire crash site. Confused, I said "What is this..?" I carefully went into the crater it made, and began digging through the pile of meteoroid fragments, heaving all of it to the side. When I cleared it all out, I gasped at what I saw: I found myself looking at a very young woman who looked a lot like Mother and Little Sister's angel form. She was unconscious, her long silver hair resting underneath her. Her hair style looked like Sephiroth's, but her headgear covered the top of her head. She was very skinny, with silvery skin and one black wing on the left, with another wing on her right that was exposed, showing the insides instead of any feathers or skin. She wore a black leather costume that seemed very torn up, but resembled Sephiroth's otherwise. The left leg of the suit was torn off, along with one of the arms of it, leaving her leg with just her high-heeled boot and arm with one black gauntlet on her wrist. I approached her, and sat down near her still body. She also had some silver hair that poked through the top of her headgear and appeared to glow with a pretty light. I gently brushed some of the hair off her headgear, and saw it read something in Mother's ancient language. I studied it carefully, and it read 'SEPHIROVA'. I began to wonder what was happening now. I was on my way to JENOVA Foundation, only to find myself very confused and looking at someone I had never seen before, who seemed so much like Mother and Sister I wasn't even sure this was all real. Before I could stand up, I heard a voice say "Take good care of her, Yazoo." Excited, I said "Mother..?" I heard Mother giggle, and I smiled. Without another word, I carefully took the mysterious girl into my arms and started to make for the Forgotten City by foot. On my way there, I said "I will, Mother... I promise your sacrifice won't be in vain." I saw Mother's face in the dark sky above, and she smiled at me. I realized that whoever this girl was, she was birthed by Mother's Ultimate Sacrifice. But for some reason, I wasn't sad anymore; I regained my strength and sense of duty, and was determined to make this girl a powerful warrior some day.

Meanwhile, Loz was running about...

(This part will focus on Loz as the speaker) I was running through the kingdom, trying to find Mother and see what's going on. Something big crashed in front of the foundation HQ, and I wanted to make sure she didn't get hurt. I was too far away to see much, but whatever made land was huge and powerful. Big Brother was inside, Rufus was, and I heard Mother also was which worried me most of all. I tried to reach Mother, and cried "Mother, what happened?" All I heard was pure static. No sign of Mother at all. I panicked "Am I too late?!" I ran even faster and started to teleport intermittently. I couldn't move any faster than this. When I arrived where the foundation was, I stopped and gasped at what I found: the area was ravaged bad. There was rubble everywhere, and meteoroid fragments scattered all over the place. They had a lot of JENOVA cells on them. There was a massive crater that also had a huge concentration of JENOVA cells. I glanced at where the foundation HQ was, and for some reason it was completely unscathed. I bursted through the doors, and cried "Mother! What happened?!" One of the employees smiled at me and happily said "Young Master Loz! Great to see you, Young Brother!" I wanted to smile back at him, but I was too worried about Mother to bother. I hurried to the elevator and entered the code for the upper labs. When I got there, I rushed out and panicked "Mother, are you ok?!" But I realized Mother wasn't anywhere here. I only saw Rufus standing near the machinery used for large scale experiments, wearing his work gloves as though he just finished working. Slowing down, I approached him and said "Brother Rufus... where's Mother? I heard she was here, but..." Rufus seemed grim, and replied "I knew you'd come here... I'm sorry, Loz, but the only possible way to save your Sister was by Mother's Ultimate Sacrifice." Unable to believe what he said, I said "What..? No... you're just kidding, aren't you? Stop it!" Rufus sighed and gestured to his left, saying "See for yourself, Young Loz..." I followed his glance, and saw a machine that appeared to be busted and was very blood soaked. There was also blood all over the floor in front of it. It was all still fresh and clearly recent. I hurried towards the mess, quickly turning back to Rufus. I was furious now. Angry, I said "How could you do that?! That was Mother you killed, you idiot!" Rufus replied "I only did what I was ordered to do by Mother and Sephiroth. You know I can't disobey a direcr order like that, Brother." Ignoring his words, I went on "And you let them push you like that?! What kind of Brother are you if you can't protect Mother?! That's it!" I armed my weapon, giving the floor a strong jab. Rufus cried "What are you doing?!" I replied "Making all of you pay for what you did to Mother!" The floor was cracking and the entire place was shaking. I lifted my weapon, giving the floor another stronger jab. Rufus panicked in silence, hurrying towards the stairs before the place could fall apart. Rufus angrily said "You dunce! You'll bring the whole facility down!" I added "And you traitors with it!" He hurried downstairs without speaking further. I said "First Glade... and now Mother? I won't have it!"

End of Destiny JENOVA III: Origins