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Destiny JENOVA III: Origins (Chapter 6: Mother's Purity& the Family Struggle)


Sephieroth had successfully managed to calm Sephiroth down and both of them had focused thoroughly on preparing to fight intense battles they were expecting on the WEAPON quests. After several weeks of arrangements and training, Sephieroth and her gang had met up in JENOVA Church to discuss how to proceed with the mission and decide what to do next.

Chapter 6: Mother's Purity& the Family Struggle

(This section will focus on Yazoo as the speaker) I had arrived at Mother's church with Loz after receiving a call from Little Sister to meet up and discuss something. Oddly enough, we arrived there but Sister was nowhere to be found. Both of us got off our motorbikes and walked elsewhere trying to find Little Sister. We didn't see or hear anything. Loz was the first to speak after turning to face me "Where is she? Sister is never late for an important meeting..." I shrugged and said "I dont know.... maybe she had to stop and help others in the family? You cant predict everything..." Loz shrugged and said "Either way, i wonder who this SAKUI thing really is. Why did Big Brother make such a fuss about her telling her most trusted brothers about the whole story anyways? Of all people, he should expect us to know better than tell everyone in the kingdom about it. Did we not help Little Sister end the war?" I paused briefly, then replied "I feel the same way.... whatever that SAKUI is, it seems like strictly classified information. I have a bad feeling about it all, even." We stood in silence for several minutes, both of us not moving at all. Suddenly, a shadow seemed to sweep by swiftly as though something flew just above us. We both looked upwards expecting to see either Big Brother or Little Sister land nearby. However, we were quickly surprised: we saw Mother slowly land directly in front of us. She smiled back at us. Both us cried out in surprise. I slowly started "Mother..? Is that you?" She seemed to levitate off the ground a bit then said "What do you think, my children?" She giggled, her red eye shining brilliantly as she floated slightly off the ground; she beared two shiny silver wings that appeared to be metal, strong silver streams of light illuminated from her shiny wings and her headgear that had her name inscribed on it in mysterious but beautiful rays of light. Mother was literally booming with powerful streams of silver light as though she had undergone some kind of form change or transformation. The energy she gave off was so intense it was impossible to ignore. Loz slowly approached Mother, keeping his gaze on her, and said "Mother.... what happened?" Mother giggled and replied "Im pure again, Young Loz. The Infinite Reunion, my son Sephiroth, and the unification of my three remnants--all of these things are needed for me to regain my purity and return to my true form: the appearance i am taking as i speak. Without my entire family in complete harmony and the Infinite Reunion, I was bound for many years. The war Shinra and the humans on this planet had picked against us prevented these things as you both know. But since the war was ended with the Infinite Reunion activation, with Sephiroth revived followed by complete harmony within my family and successful legacy, my power was restored and i was freed as a result. Had i been this perfect during the fight against Cloud Strife and his company, their attempts at defeating me and sealing me within the lifestream for all those years would inevitably have ended in utter failure. My very presence in my pure form gives off so much power of my cells in a massive amount, even Cloud would be unable to even get close and resist being overwhelmed and die from the radiation." I felt myself beginning to smile, tears of happiness falling from my face. Loz also seemed to bubble up with joy. I walked towards Mother, stopping beside where Loz stood. Mother was finally free and regained her power and purity. This was the happiest thing i had felt since ending the war on this planet which was now Mother's kingdom. Mother landed gently on the ground, reaching her arms out towards us. We both approached her, and she held us close to her body with the most gentle and peaceful of arms. After Mother had let us go, i had suddenly remembered why we were here: Little Sister wanted to meet with us here. However, she still hadnt arrived. Loz glanced around in silence and asked "Where's Little Sister? We were supposed to meet her here." Mother replied "She shouldn't be long; her and Young Sulbio are close by.... i can feel it." I glanced around trying to see if they were in sight, but found nothing. After what felt like a long while, i saw Little Sister arrive with Brother Sulbio, each of them riding motorbikes like normal; all of us always drove motorbikes. It was routine and even a gang custom, aside from wearing black leather clothing being uniform. The rest was up to you as part of the gang if you were one of us. They both parked and got off their motorbikes, approaching us. Sephieroth spoke first and started "Sorry for being late, Brothers. I had to take a few stops to help Sister Yuffie and Brother Vincent." Loz replied almost immediately "Tch, let me guess.... they got into another argument, didn't they?" Sephie nodded in response and i said "Those two can never get along, can they?" Sephie sighed and shrugged but didn't speak. Mother spoke next and said "Yuffie is one to be a bit more difficult, my children.... while Vincent doesn't seem to react with much emotion at all in most cases. But if you take him on like that, whether verbally or a physical skirmish, he wont let you walk all over him like that." I shook my head in disbelief. I wondered how they even had a child with the way they argue like that. Talk about the most disagreeable pair imaginable; it was a mystery id never understand. Then again, i knew she hated Rufus way more. Either way, it was just astounding altogether. I couldn't help saying what i wanted to out loud "They need sense knocked into them. You can't behave like that in Mother's kingdom!" Sephie sighed and said "I know, Brother Yazoo. I dont like saying this, but you cant fix everyone...." Loz replied immediately, raising his arm he kept his weapon strapped to "I say we try anyway. If you cant reason with them, then show them they can't do that." I turned to him immediately and asked "Are you suggesting we pick a fight and that will fix everything?" Loz nodded but kept silent. Mother was the next to speak "Your brother is right, Yazoo. You guys need to do something about those two--and talking by itself isnt enough in a scenario like theirs." Sephie then said "But Mother.... the mission." Mother replied "I know, Young Sephieroth. But keeping the peace in my kingdom is first priority no matter what; if two family members can't get along, it falls on you and your gang to do something about it as my Divine Guard." Little Sister nodded in understanding, then turned to face me and Loz. She started "Yazoo and Loz, i want you two to head for JENOVA Kingdom Outlands and teach these two a lesson. More than likely, you'll end up engaging in battle with them. If such is to occur, be sure to fight well so they remember their punishment--without killing them. Do not kill them, no matter what. You know Mother doesn't want it to end that way." I replied "Got it. I dont think they'll be happy to see us, but we'll do anything you need us to, Sister." Loz paused in silence, then asked "The kingdom outlands? What would they be doing at a lifeless place like that?" Sephie seemed worried and answered "They said their son Kadaj ran off again, supposedly he always hides out there according to Vincent..." Mother gasped behind us and said "He ran away again?" Sephie nodded as though concerned and said "Unfortunately, yes. Yuffie said the kid has ran away from home on several occasions..." I asked "But why? Kids dont run away for no reason." Sulbio replied bluntly "Why do you think? The poor guy has parents who fight over everything! I would do no different than he did with a pair like that!" I got my gunblade out and started towards him, but Mother restrained me before i could get far. I did not like Sulbio's obnoxiousness. Mother then said "Yazoo, i want you and Loz to locate Young Kadaj while youre there if his parents don't already have him back." Loz immediately asked "How old is Kadaj?" Mother stood silent after releasing me and said "He's..... only 9. Luckily he seems to fight pretty well for his age, most likely from running off so many times and fending off monsters on his own while outside. But he is not a happy guy; he hates both of his parents." I then sighed and said "No wonder he keeps running away. He's probably happier outside by the sounds of it than he is at home.... should we really let him remain with Yuffie and Vincent?" Mother replied "I haven't decided yet what to do about their family conflict. But for now, just focus on finding Kadaj before his parents do. If you encounter them first, you know what to do even if they found him." I nodded, then signalled Loz to follow my lead as we approached our motorbikes and prepared to drive off towards JENOVA Kingdom Outlands to rescue Kadaj and punish his parents for what was listed as disorderly conduct under Mother's creed. Somehow, i didn't think we would be punishing them for disorderly conduct alone; but for abusing Kadaj as well. If you had children within Mother's family and got caught for abusing them in any way, that was the worst of crimes in the kingdom: the offending parent could in worst cases be killed as punishment and permanently sealed in the JENOVA Lifestream, preventing the Infinite Reunion from recreating them at all; in other words, you were gone forever if that happened to you. Only Mother herself was capable of issuing such a punishment. This was the worst possible punishment, known as Family Expulsion. If Mother did this to you, you were gone forever. I wondered how Kadaj would feel if that ended up happening to either of them. If the poor guy hated them so much he actually wants that, i cant help but cry; thats as stone cold as anyone gets. I hoped my bad feeling would not come true.

To be continued....