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Destiny JENOVA IV-2: Reverse Crisis (Chapter 10: The Secrets of the Vortex)

Chapter 10: The Secrets of the Vortex

(This part will focus on Kadaj as the speaker) When we reached the top and arrived at Mako Peak where Mother's throne was, she noticed us immediately and seemed to be focusing her eyes on Seffi. Mother stood up and approached me "Kadaj, is this child the one who fell from the cell vortex earlier?" I nodded "Yes, Cloud discovered him first and called us to help bring him to safety. However, things took an ugly turn quickly when we got here... we had to fight him in order to protect the other children in the kingdom. Had we let him go then, he would kill everyone in his path without any thought. I'm very sorry, Mother... I know we aren't supposed to hurt each other, but we had no choice..." Mother placed her hand on my shoulder "No, Kadaj. You and your gang made the right choice. What happened downstairs isn't your fault. All weapon class cetra are born hostile, and unless subdued, will destroy anything they find. The only way to calm them is by taking them out. That was why my new son here got back up; it's all part of birth of a weapon class. With someone like you caring for him, he shouldn't run wild anymore." I felt lost now "Mother... what do mean anymore?" Mother closed her eye and explained "Unless confronted and defeated by someone they see as what is often called a 'worthy wielder', weapon class cetra can re-enter the same berserk state they are born in. This is a recurring cycle they undergo over time, only being put to rest temporarily after being defeated, unless the one they face earns they interest or trust during the fight." Cloud asked "And what happens when they wake up if the person they fought doesn't interest them?" Mother answered "They simply fly away or go elsewhere by other means without speaking to them, more than likely in hopes of finding the right person to fight alongside for eternity. They are the only cetra that are birthed by the cell vortex that sometimes opens up in my lifestream. One of the few cases where a forced and powerful reunion creates new life without the need for a sufficient bond between two cetra. The biggest problem with the cell vortex is that it has a mind of its own; there's no telling when it will reopen and give life to another weapon class. If it becomes too active, my kingdom will be flooded with weapon class cetra. Too many for even JENOVA SOLDIER, my main defense group, to contain." Yazoo sighed "As I worried... you can't control it, Mother?" Mother opened her eye and shook her head "I'm afraid not, my son. It's too strong for even me to control." I asked "But Mother, isn't there something we can do to stop it before that can happen? We can't stand around bickering with the kingdom on the line like this..." Mother seemed concerned, but she looked down in silence. Cloud seemed to feel strange "JENOVA... is it really indestructible?" She looked back toward us and shook her head "No, but... it's almost impossible... there's only one way it can be stopped..." Cloud grew determined "Then tell us that way. We'll do whatever we must to save everyone else." She turned to Cloud and said "The only thing that can stop a cell vortex... is a human." My Brothers me and cried in shock at that, and I panicked "No way a human could get close! They'd wither right away to nothing just trying!" Yazoo grew serious "Mother, is this why you spared Cloud Strife?" She nodded "Yes... it is. That vortex was already being seeded during the Shinra revival incident. Loz, do you remember rescuing Sephiroth from the ruined Shinra facility?" Loz answered "Of course! Rufus, that monster! He used his feelings for an evil purpose by forcing him into a sleep state... and made him relive that awful day where everything began... it was awful! He was in bad shape when I got there, but at least he didn't die." Mother added "Yes, about that... Apparently Rufus had stressed and tortured him to such a horrid extreme, it seeded the birth of the cell vortex, playing a major role in completing its creation. The aftermath he suffered after you helped him also contributed significantly..." I was in shock "No way... if Big Brother knew this, he'd never forgive himself..." Mother reluctantly agreed "Unfortunately, you're right. My precious son has already suffered too much... I can't let him carry this burden too. He would feel awful, even though those events weren't his fault. The machinery and electronics Rufus used on him that day are to blame for the vortex's creation, not Sephiroth. Rufus is the major culprit concerning the vortex. All you children and Sephiroth did was what you knew to do: fight them off with everything you have. This could be the worst crisis to befall us so far... cetra cannot damage the vortex or weaken it in any way; only a human can. Worse, if a human begins to approach the cell vortex, they will begin to wither away and end up being vaporized within seconds. Hojo is not reliable for this, but he will doubtless be happy to do research and gather Intel on it for us, at the very least." Cloud asked "Then how is it possible for a human to destroy it if I can't get close?" Mother turned to Cloud "The stigma, Cloud. It's the only thing that would protect a human from the thick radiation of the cell vortex. Unless you're infected, you are defenseless against it. The other thing that's needed is my youngest's special power to turn any kind water black and infest it with my cells." Cloud turned to me "Kadaj..?" I felt a bit nervous and backed away from him "Um... yeah?" Mother continued "But more than that... you're not strong enough to do it yet." Cloud quickly turned back to Mother "What?! But... what about everyone else? What are they supposed to do if I don't get strong enough on time?!" Mother shook her head "That's up to me, not you. Focus on training with my strongest remnants, and return here when you have what you're currently lacking." Cloud grew discouraged and shook his head "Ungh... what am I missing? What do I need that you don't see in me..?" Mother grew firm "You will know that later. For now, return to the Forgotten City with Kadaj and her Brothers. There is nothing more to do or explain now." Cloud turned around "Ahh, alright... Let's go, guys..." I nodded, and led the way downstairs, my Brothers and Cloud following behind me.

To be Continued...