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Destiny JENOVA: The Fury, Part 1

so, when i ran into my brothers unexpectedly, Yazoo told me "we found him, but he got away..." then i said "what?! which way did he go?!" then, Yazoo shook his head, and Loz shrugged, then said "we dont know, little sister. he got us by surprise, and we didnt get back on guard quickly enough to catch up to him." then, i was instantly furious, and said "Ugh!!! do you have any idea how much time i've spent trying to find him?! and the fact i've gotten nowhere with it?! ugggghh!!!" then i just screamed, venting my fury. and like always (since i am made up of large amounts of JENOVA cells, which massively increase my power), the ground seemed to vibrate heavily, along with everything else around us. My brothers were covering their faces, in response to the intense power of my fury. then, Loz said "hey Yazoo, how about instead of just standing there you calm little sister before she brings the whole neighborhood down?!" then, Yazoo said "are you insane?! that power is too much for me to be that close to! she'll blow my ears with that sonic scream!" then, Loz said "tch, fine. i'll do it, chicken." then Yazoo immediately grew angry and said "what did you just call me?! ugh!" Loz just ignored him, and rubbed my back trying to calm me. but i had already stopped my screaming, since i felt like i'd released it all.

Then, forgetting Loz's remark to him, Yazoo just shook his head, panting with his eyes shut. i could tell he felt tired, probably from being overwhelmed by my intense release of fury. then, Loz looked at me and said "i know its frustrating when you spend all of your time looking for him and get nowhere. i get that, dear sister." then, after catching his breath, Yazoo followed, looking at me and saying "Loz is right, sister. but getting angry at us for our mistakes isnt going to change anything. in fact, it might bring about disunity among us, which would really hurt Mother's feelings. i know its hard to keep the faith sometimes, dear sister. but we are all the same: you, me, Loz....we're all related, and JENOVA is the Mother of all three of us. She doesnt want us to get angry with each other and fight. she wants us to work together as a team and family to give her the planet back. and if we just keep fighting with each other like this....we're not doing what Mother taught us, and we are failing her."

then i said "oh...i never thought about it that way..." then Loz said "right, we need to be honest with each other, and collaborate with each other to finish the mission. dont feel bad, dear sister; making mistakes is part of learning, especially at your young age." then, i smiled, and said "you know, it feels kind of cold out here. how about we head for my place and warm up?" then, Yazoo said "sure. how far is it?" then i laughed and said "not far. just follow my lead." then, Loz said "but how can you lead us when we have our motorbikes, and you dont have yours?" then i smiled and said "watch the master." i bore my wing, then flew up high. i was high enough to still be visible from the ground. i flew back and forth very quickly; i was a one-winged angel with the flight power of a fast flyer; faster than latios/latias in pokemon.

then, i slowed down, and landed safely in front of them. i smiled at both of them and giggled. then, Yazoo said "a black wing..? sister, have you become..?!" then, Loz said "yes, she has. she is Sephiroth reborn a woman. and that can only mean one thing, Yazoo." then, turning to him, Yazoo said "what is that?" then, Loz continued, saying "Mother has plans for expanding our kind so much, that we are all over the planet. a female is obviously needed for that to occur. but, not just any female; but a second larva, that would one day bloom into a female replica of Sephiroth. call it the perfect girl, or whatever you like. either way, Mother's plan this time is to use Sephieroth for reproduction, have her raise the babies, and turn them into true soldiers that will fight for Mother's mission. in other words, Mother wants to breed Sephieroth in order to reclaim the entire planet. so, if the mission passes, there will be too many of us, and too few of them. the end result would be the world cowering in fear, giving up and putting us in complete control of everything."

Yazoo smiled his sick, sadistic smile, then walked close to me, and lifted me up, looking at me straight in the eye, saying "long live the angel." then, he put me down, and grabbed my arms, spinning with me and said "Mother has the most brilliant idea this time! and nobody even knows all the details except us." then, he let me go, and i trotted around, feeling too dizzy to respond. then, Loz gave Yazoo a firm look, saying "hey, dont spin her like that. do you enjoy being dizzy?" then he just kind of laughed nervously, without responding. then, Loz said "look, i know you're excited about Mother's plans and all, but dont kill the poor girl with your excitement!" then, Yazoo just laughed and said "sorry..."

then, after i recovered from my dizziness, i turned back to them and said "alright, shall we get moving?" then, Yazoo nodded at me and said "of course. lead the way, dear sister. but dont go so fast we cant keep up, ok?" then i laughed and said "ok." then, after that, we just went to my place and decided to just stay inside and enjoy each other, since the weather was getting bad. really nothing special.