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Lucid Artisan Dream Prophecies

Eureka I had a new dream. It was very artistic and clever and far from immature. In fact this is almost extraterrestrial. Allow me to explain.

I was in as I would call it the game store of the future. I believe it started out when I woke up from a game. A card game. An almost Pokemon card game. Like in the multiverse Pokemon would still exist, but I saw a shiny Treeko with a pink mohawk and a slightly altered design. But there were different types of cards (3 different packs) each consisting of similar cards. One pack had giant cards and the other two were regular sized and now I'm thinking those cards could be used to alter your dreams so you could play videogames in your sleep. Take notes Nintendo. But anyways the store look more like a Pokemon World Tournament area (which I heard was threatened the day before so that makes sense) and then I went browsing with my mom at games and all of a sudden virtual reality was a thing because there was a VR FPS demo going on and I tried it. The thing is I played it a few times and I shot bubbles out of my weapon that did nothing. So after my play through my final mission was to see if the game could not notice me. So I just laid on the ground like I was dead and I was waiting for them to do something (in the game the lights were off so it was a dark room) and I then woke up in a chill because my house is or was cold at the time of my waking.

Also I saw a black cow yesterday irl too which may explain something. The neighbor cow got out of it's fence just for me as I went to check the mail and found nothing in it. When I checked the mail a second time the cow was gone. What does this mean!?!
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