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Marc's new Messenger

Very nice! Nice job!
It also kinda looks.. too normal, and boring imo, and maybe some customization could be added, but idc it's a really cool feature that marc has added! :D
Amazing. Shout box was a great way to talk to people but this new messenger should also be a great tool
It's very nice and efficient , though it could use a little tweaking of its features ;)
Haha I agree with thanking Marc, it's great.
It isn't replacing the shoutbox >.<'

Plus it's currently still in beta. After the shoutbox gets restored, I plan to integrate this site's smilies into it, add avatar support and I'll probably remove invisible mode. The handwriting function doesn't work yet too cause the upload directory for it needs some tweaking.
Nice, you summed everything up well. There are also a few cons I noticed as follows:

- User tabs often merge when a chat notification is received
- Unable to send a message via drawing canvas
I see what you mean. I can draw it, but hitting send doesn't do anything. Hmm
Also, I do not understand what you mean by merging, as it hasn't happened to me.
Nice :D

The smileys are a con in my book though. :P