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Moco Moco Friends: The Price of Power, Episode 1

as we all have learned in life, nothing comes without a price. to get what you want, you need to work hard. and thats a fact. so, i've been investing hours into moco moco friends lately, and my sole focus is to be as strong as possible here. and just like everything else, there's a price that comes with this.

my ultimate goal here is to eventually get the level cap on at least 4 of my plushkins as high as what is legitimately possible. plus, i am also working on evolving them as well (of course; this is another key to high power). the whole process is simple, but time consuming and with a very steep price (obviously...i shouldnt even have to say that).

ok, now for pros and cons on my end here. the good news: i learned how to speed garden without needing assist drinks and such, which will make getting the necessary materials relatively fast and easy in most cases. now, the bad news (and certainly a major barrier on my end, get ready): i dont know a decent place to grind the necessary funds. i am in the process of finding a good place, though. but i havent come to anything yet. i can access dungeons that are up to lv.16, so if you have any ideas i would really appreciate hearing them here, as i am down to 5.3k, and it continues to skydive from there. so, if i dont figure this out fast enough, its gonna be a serious problem here.

if anyone has ideas, please post it in your feedback. its appreciated.