My dialogue while playing Five nights at Freddys.

My dialogue while playing Five nights at Freddys.

This is almost exactly how I sounded while playing the first Five Nights at Freddy's.

Night 1:

Me: "Oh gawd I get scared so easily I'm freaking out right now"
Friend: "Calm down it's not that bad"
*peer pressure kicks in*
Me as I start to play: "Okay I get this. Ima gonna just watch through the cameras.... Oh shoot that purple bear thing is moving"
Friend: "That's a bunny. It's name is Bonnie."
Me: "Well it looks like a bear. Oh shoot where did it go? Oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot..... Wait there's a duck too?"
Friend: "Yeah, Chica."
Me: "Ones outside the door I see on the video camera. Okay nevermind he left"
Friend: "That means he can come in! Close the door!!"
Me: "OH CRAP NO NO NO AGH PLEASE NO! Okay I close the door. And oh shoot the other guy is outside the other door. Okay both are close and it's 5:00. Now I kinda just wait I guess...."
*6 am comes*
Me: "Okay I'll admit that was fun. Round 2 I guess."

Night 2:

Okay, to leave out all the cursing and screaming I'll summarize:
Pretty much Freddy and Foxy were after me and while I was viewing through the cameras the whole time I was scared THE HECK OUT OF BONNIE. I might have also thrown my friends phone and more cursing occurred. I hate Bonnie. I hate this game. 10/10

Latest Comments

That is quite funny. ^^ I'd be twice as freaked as you were playing. XP
Haha, thanks
This is too funny
After all you've only got:
Five Nights At Freddys
Or In This Case 2
Hmm... that was my experience playing SAW 1 and 2
Basically me on FNaF 2 Yesterday. XD
Lol I like at the very end how you said "I hate this game" then rated it 10/10. Bi-polar haha. xD
Glad you liked it!