My experience 2: GameStop

My experience 2: GameStop

Because some of you liked my FYE experience here's my gamestop one:

So I was at GameStop buying some Xbox games for my brother:

Me: I'd like to by these two games please
Clerk: Wait! Do you know what Amiibos are?
Me: Um... Yeah....
Clerk: do you have Super Smash Bros?
Me: Um.... Yeah....?
Clerk: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! [enbrassisngly loud]
Me: can I buy my games--
Clerk: Here you go!
*clerk hands me this:
Have a nice day!

Me: Um.... Thanks.... Can I buy my games now?

True story

Latest Comments

The same thing happened when I got my Smash U copy -_-
That is strange
At least I got a belt thing..... (It's really big)
I would ask for the manager
Nah, they didn't do anything wrong, it was just annoying to finally get my games lol