My First thoughts playing Majora's Mask first boss

My First thoughts playing Majora's Mask first boss


- So I have been playing The Legend of Zelda : Majora's Mask for the past few days on my emulator on my computer . It is a very amazing game . Weird and quite dark for a Legend of Zelda Game and I really like it . Yeah so I had to use a few guides because I really didn't know where things were and I wasn't really familiar with Clock Town . But now things get a lot easier now that I got used to it know . A very cool game :)

Now I finally reach my very first dungeon which is Woodfall Temple ! The first of things that I really felt was the quite awkward music . Not really what I expected from an average Zelda game . Things were very easy except that the fact playing on my computer , its really hard to control Link and stuff .

Asides from the poisonous waters and the music , the really frightening part to me when it comes to that room where it's all dark and Tatl tells you that she senses evil in here . Really I was so frightened when those little black creatures just crawl up with those red eyes and they really shocked me . they were around the torches and I got hurt a lot . I only had a half-heart left when I managed to get the torches lit and I could hear them coming to me and I was hurrying to the door . Luckily I mad it :panda:

But the worst part of it came with the boss of the dungeon >.<

The Boss , Oldolwa

Scary as it sounds , I was really panicking at this boss fight . I really didn't know what to do or focus really . I keeps making strange sounds that are quite disturbing . I shoot a few arrows at it but never really managed to get a sword attack on him . But then another short cut scene came and these little annoying bugs keep crawling to me .

Then getting a few hits on it then he summons these stupid butterflies that are really annoying . I really couldn't get another arrow to hit him successfully >.< Then was at that time I decided to go full rampage on him . Going straight forward to him . I didn't care if I was getting hurt . Just continuously hitting him .

At a time knowing that Deku Sticks do more damage than the Kokiri Sword , I went up to him and keep hitting him with it . One Deku Stick after another :D . To be honest that was the only part I liked . Then I hurry went to get a bomb from the bomb flower and threw it at him . It exploded and finally he is dead . I was so content with that


After that fight , my heart was literally still racing , it was very epic and I would surely do better if I played the 3ds version because playing on computer really is hard . This was a very good experience and I personally would never forget this boss fight :p . First Zelda boss that I found quite challenging ;) . I hope to see more of Majora's Mask when I continue playing and I would hope to share another experience with you all someday

Thanks for reading :D
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Good! :)