My Visit to Scotland: Week 2

My Visit to Scotland: Week 2

I have more blog posts than Marc now. Bow down to your new lord and saviour.

Anyways, time for Week 2.

We didn't really do all that much on Monday, but my older brother did let me go and play on his Wii U. I was playing Mario Kart 8 and Windwaker HD for almost the entire day.
I went to the local shop to get some sweets, but that was pretty much it for Monday.

Tuesday was basically the same as Monday. We did go to Tesco though to get some stuff.

We went to ASDA to do a bit of shopping, and I decided to get a Beano comic.
You might know what Beano is, you might not. If not, it's basically a comic for kids, and it's the most popular comic in the UK. I've been collecting Beano comics for about 6 years now, and I can't wait for the 4000th issue. Like, seriously.
I should actually show off my Beano collection sometime.
Anyways, we also stopped by at the cafe to get some food. We went back to our house and I went back on my brother's Wii U again. That's all for Wednesday.

We decided to go to a beach (not the same one we went to last week) and have a picnic. We also went swimming, which was fun.
It was 10pm when we got back so I went straight to bed.

Same as Monday. Again.

Nothing much happened on Saturday. We did go to a cafe but that was pretty much it.

I didn't watch any DVDs all week, so I decided to watch, like, 5 DVDs for most of the day to make up for it.

See you next week. Again.