N's Playthrough of Earthbound: Going to Threed!

N's Playthrough of Earthbound: Going to Threed!

In the last part I got permission from Paula's Dad to take her out on adventure, and Everdred have us a Wad of Bills for some weird reason. Now we make our way to the next town, Threed!

To get to Threed I took the bus.


*waits 5 seconds*

The driver said that he is uncertain if we could make it to Threed since the ghosts would turn the bus back to Twoson, and that there is a $4 fare. Me being the curious kid I am gets on the bus for the lols.

Well that doesn't seem so pleasant...
Now we just sit on the bus and try to get to Threed!

Okay I'm getting spooked...

Wait what, how?? The ghosts are weird >.> Anyhow I gotta figure out a way to make those ghosts go away. I found out that the ghosts hated loud music, and that The Runaway Five (band group) were in town. Decided to drop by and pay a visit.
(Along the way I battled some more local baddies at Twoson)

Anyhow we made our way to the Chaos Theater, and were asked to present tickets, which we didn't have. Talked to the Manager only to figure out the main reason why the Runaway Five were in town for so long.

He said that they owed him about $10,000 (hmm sounds familiar) and that they couldn't leave town until they paid them back (or if we could pay off the debt).
I went outside and talked to the man standing by the theater. He saw that I saved Paula, and rewarded me.

He gave me the Backstage Pass, so now I can go to the Chaos Theater where the Runaway Five would perform.

I talked to some of the people in the theater waiting for the performance to start. I found the typical fangirl who was dying to meet the Runaway Five in person, and since we had Backstage Passes, she joined us to walking into the Runaway Five's dressing room before the show.

Wow they need a lot of help. Anyhow after exiting the backstage I watched their performance (it's pretty cool btw) and went backstage again.

The manager? Right now? I guess it must be important. So I go to the manager's office again and he tells me again about the Runaway Five. I give him the Wad of Bills that Everdred gave us earlier to free the Runaway Five of their debt.

*a few seconds of contemplation later*

Yay now the Runaway Five can runaway (lol) to their next destination. Turns out their next destination is Threed!
And because we paid their debt, they felt generous and wanted to return the favor.

So we can go to Threed and the ghosts won't make the bus turn around back to Twoson? Neat.

Mommy I'm a cool kid :p
I had a smooth ride on the way to Threed, the ghosts tried to turn the bus around but couldn't because of the unbearably loud music.
After that we arrived at Threed! It doesn't seem like the most welcoming place though, it's rather spooky if you ask me...
We get off the bus and parted ways with the Runaway Five.

That seems like something to look forward to. Anyhow decided to talk to some people.

Well geez isn't that a heartwarming welcome...
To wrap things up, I went to the local drugstore and bought new equipment for Ness and Paula.

For Ness I changed his weapon from Sand Lot Bat to Minor League Bat, and I changed the Holmes Hat to a Hard Hat.

For Paula, I changed her weapon from the Fry Pan to the Thick Fry Pan and equipped her with a Copper Bracelet.

That's all for this part, in the next part I will explore Threed some more, and try not to get spooked by the ghosts and zombies roaming the streets >.>
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Pretty fun reading this :3
Glad you enjoy it!
Love it!
Here's another tip:
There is a place that you will be going to a really long soon called summers.unless you want to have no money left,DO NOT buy any new equipment for anyone.you can get the same equipment at the next 1 or 2 towns WAAY cheaper.
I don't really care about saving money in this run because I have too much money that I can't spend due to limited inventory. But thanks for the tip either way