Review- Kirby's DreamLand 3!

Review- Kirby's DreamLand 3!

So i saw many people making reviews lately......
AND I DECIDED TO MAKE ONE! (about the game i completed this week)

Yaaaaaaaay..... i guess i should start now....

This game's presentation is actually pretty nice and it is one of the best looking games on the SNES due to it being released in the late SNES life cycle :p the sprites are really nice, the game is really clean and the soundtrack is good, bringing back old tunes from past kirby games and bringing some new ones too!

The gameplay here is just really smooth, its your normal kirby gameplay with your normal kirby supestar feel, the controls have been improved a lot since older games but its just as good as always. If you dont know how kirby gameplay does its like this: Ur a pink ball with some spheres as arms and half ovals as feet, you like to eat things and you have to eat almost everything in your way, you have some animal friends ^-^
Like Coo the owl, Kine the fish and Rick the hamster all of them (meaning air, water and land in japanese if im not wrong >.<) returning from kirby's dreamland 2 and some new ones like Nago the cat, Pitch the bird and ChuChu..... a blog thingy.... you also have this blue pal called Gooey who you can summon by pressing A on your controller or you can connect a second controller for another person to play as Gooey, you have lots of powerups, (that u get by inhaling things :D ) and many healing items to play around with and combine with you animal friends to make some great combos!

The story of this game starts as an evil force called Dark Matter stars falling into the popstar galaxy while kirby and his friend gooey are fishing, Dark Matter starts possessing someone in the 5 worlds of popstar, they are: Whispy Woods, Acro The Killer Whale, Pop-con which are some racoon thingys, Ado a painter kid who paints monsters to attack you (because he is possessed by Dark Matter), And finally the one and only... KING DEDEDE.....
yeah you have to travel across five worlds in pop-star, each world has 7 levels, 6 normal levels and a boss level which has one of the five guys i mentioned earlier who are being possessed by Dark Matter. In each normal level there is someone who will need your help (some kirby characters and also some cameo characters like Samus) if you help them they will give you a star-heart that is displayed on top of the level
(the Heart-stars are the ones displayed on top of each character, each character is the level and the character you need to help)
The Heart-stars will work for something later in the game (I'll metion it at the end >.<) Once you have defeated every boss and level in the game you will have to battle the one and only KING DEDEDE!!. Once you defeat his first face (easy task) you will be presented with his second face (easier task) in which he flies around shooting pieces from dark matter at you while also transforming into a flying pac-man thingy that follows you around.

Once you defeat KING DEDEDE!! you will be presented with the credits of the game and kirby, gooey and his animal friends walking by and saying goodbye while they show you every enemy and boss in tje game with their respective names... but then as kirby leaves..... the final character is revealed....

THE END...... but hey thats not all ^ that right there is the BAD ending, if you dont care about spoilers keep reading (also kirby games are not known for having great spoilers that matter, but eh :p )


So.... remember the Heart-stars you got from helping people in each level? well to get the game at a 100% you need to get the bad ending first so if you want 100% DONT HELP EM ALL maybe help all of em but a single one :p, so when you get the bad ending go into the game and get every Heart-star in the game after getting those enter every boss stage, when you beat them Dar matter will come out of then and in the world map you will be shown how dark matter is removed from each of the five worlds a bit more than you had removed him by beating the bosses for the first time, when you defeated all of the bosses except DDD go battle him, after defeating KING DEDEDE!! he will be saved, and dark matter will be out of him, a warp star will appear and you will got to the world map, there time dark matter will become a ball in the middle of pop-star, try selecting dark matter and you will enter THE HYPER ZONE!!!:vamp::vamp::vamp::vamp: There a cutscene will appear showing Kirby, gooey, the animal friends and KING DEDEDE!!! all together in Dedede's castle, all the Heart-stars will transform into the Love-Love Stick (yeah thats its name), a legendary weapon which carries kirby off to the battle with DARK MATTER!!

(at least it isnt Dedede again :p ) Dark Matter is a little bit hard if you are not experienced, but even if you are a pro at this making a No-hit is very hard, after defeating him by using the Love-love stick he is DEAAAD.... But now a way more powerful boss is here! ZEROOOOOOOOOO
(when i meant no hit dark matter was hard i meant no-hit dark matter + Zero ) Zero is a way harder version of Dark matter, he is bigger, he is white instead if black and requires a little bit of skill to beat him easily so only experienced players will find this easy. After you defeat Zero Kirby's Love-Love Stick will take him out of the HYPER ZONE and the HYPER ZONE will explode and kirby will fly away with his Love-love stick.... the the credits will show the boss names and the animal friends' names and will show kirby and the bosses (Yeah Dedede is there too) having fun


Here i will talk about my struggle and problems with the game (THIS IS AN OPPINION)
This game was just awesome and a really great experience to me, i played it on the SNES but its out on the Wii and Wii U virtual console if some of you want to play it but dont own a SNES
(You could also play it on an emulator but emulators suck and you shouldnt use them >.<) My only problems with the game was its levek of difficulty some times, because some levels could be quite challenging but other levels are just a walk in the park without taking any damage, my other problem was the battle against KING DEDEDE!!!! because they just keep reusing the battle from kirby's dream land but thats ok because the battle in the original game is fast and Dedede has some more moves, but the battle in this game is just Dreamland's battle but EASIER! Dedede no longer bashes into you and rarely tries to inhale you, he just keeps using the hammer and jumping up into the air for ground pounds and also he is now REALLY FREAKING SLOOOOW, in kirby's dreamland he could easily outspeed you but this on is just dumb, the only good thing that this battle has is its second face.

So this was my review of Kirby's dreamland, this took a long time to write as i did it while playing the game last week, i didnt use any walktroughs which made it hard to find the challenges for the Heart-stars but that added more exploring and challenge, I also have some more reviews coming soon (One of them is of a game that hasnt been released yet SPOILERS: It's Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE :sneaky: )

And here i leave you with my favourite song from the game :D

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It's not "many people" it's only one!
woops :P