Smash Bros. Battle Series:Ep.4-The Beasts-Corrin VS Ganondorf

Smash Bros. Battle Series:Ep.4-The Beasts-Corrin VS Ganondorf

Why'd it turn into mortal kombat at the end 0.0
Henry 25313
Henry 25313
Everyone's a critic.
\/ wat
Blood? Please, this is smash. This isn't guided as a smash fight or story, also Corrin is a bit too cocky, corrin is a sweet and strong soldier in the FE series. To finish up this review...ganondorf needs to talk! The Story is made about only corrin!
Henry 25313
Henry 25313
Ganondorf doesn't speak English. I'm trying to relate this to Smash Bros. In Smash, Ganondorf doesn't speak English, does he?
It would make more sense if it was Little Mac vs Ryu, honestly. Also, you do know Ganondorf can talk?
Henry 25313
Henry 25313
I will discontinue this series if you keep giving me negative comments. It isn't fair. What did I ever do to you that you're picking on my imagination?