Smash Bros.Battle Series: Ep.6-Sword Legends: Link VS Cloud

Smash Bros.Battle Series: Ep.6-Sword Legends: Link VS Cloud

Why can link talk? And this is episode 6 not 5 BTW.....
2 limit breaks? O_o
Henry 25313
Henry 25313
Can you stop harassing me about the episode number?! I know. I saw it. I'll change it, OK?
1. Why is Link talking?
2. Why is this Episode 5 and not 6?
3. Why does Cloud use his Limit Break more than once?
4. Why no Omnislash Version 5? (JK)
What smashchamp said.
Also, why is this episode 5 and not 6? And where are the rest of the 'episodes?'
Uh... After breaking the limit in smash, you must recharge your gauge before unleashing more limit charge attacks, thus after the blade beam, his limit will go back to normal, so he shouldn't be able to use limit Cross Slash and Finishing Touch. The battle was okay before the limit though.