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The Flip Side

Now this kinda seems like an odd place to post this, I chose this website because its just public enough to be seen and therapeutic but private enough to where as I don't have everyone around me in my thoughts.

I'm not gonna rant about my life prior to 2017 because I have grown to appreciate it for what it was and who it made me, however I eventually realized I went through life feeling like a spectator of the world around me and this came to a head in 2017 where I became jobless and felt outside pressure(Debt, Bills, Relationships) and insecure about my ability to handle the situation and it seemed like my life was spiraling down and I had little to no control over it.

It was at this point starting about a year ago now that I realized that, no one has control over the life you live but you and even if it is a small crawl such as setting up routine in your day by day or putting a few dollars away at a time. while searching for greater opportunity to expand yourself and your abilities you will gain greater and greater momentum. There is always a flip side and with the bad you will always find you come out stronger if you learn a lesson from them

In contrary to who I was even 2 years ago I have found a love in fish keeping and aquascaping (Corydoras is absolutely my favorite fish in the hobby!) and now am running a 20 gallon Long, I might make it into a side business when I finally get my own place! I also found a love in drawing, story telling and game design all of which I am working on. I have also realized my true friends through all of this, and am closer to them than ever. I also have lost a ton of weight and have been grooming myself well, even paid off a lot of my debts!

If anyone needs a friend feels alone or like no one relates to you, know things will always get better if you be yourself it sounds generic but that's all you can do right? do not be afraid to put yourself out there and fail. Sometimes you will and that's ok just climb back stronger. and if you need someone to talk to I will always find time asap ;D
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Good to hear you didn't let life keep kicking you down.

Sucky things do happen, but ya always got to stay positive and try your hardest, even when you feel you're not getting very far. Because if you give up, you accomplish nothing at the end of the day and you wouldn't know what you could have accomplished.
Thanks and exactly ;)