The Ugly Forum

The Ugly Forum

Raise a potato? xD

Sounds like a scary dream xP
"Marc forums" Heh. Why not? :P
The Shoutbox has a japanese name too? It's a step up from the current Shoutbox.
marc forums read lol
Most realistic grafix "10/10"-ign
reminds of the original Boi btw
atleast its not pixel art
I promise that if I ever become an Admin, Alex will be banned.

And then I'll ban myself.
Needs moar Pole Dancing Deadpool...
Needs more Alex Mercer.
I'd visit this part XD

Did Alex and I sing 'Slow Ride' across the screen repeatedly in the dream? THEN YOU SAW THE FUTURREEEEEE
Must of been horrible lmao. That SB notice though lmao.
This is killing me xD

OnionsAlex lmao
Oh god, da humanity! This is the Pedia at it's worst! (Alex would be a good admin but that's beside the point) I nearly killed myself laughing.
this is exactly why we can never let alex become a mod :T
xD Needs more Meep. Jk
raise a potato xD
That profile avi tho xD
i need this in my life
11/10 needs more Alex
What do you mean? That's the best part!