Toxic Manor (episode 5) Ashes to Ashes

Toxic Manor (episode 5) Ashes to Ashes

Ehehehehehehehe, welcome welcome! Big things are happening, my friend! Things waaaay out of my control. There's rumors of a cult going around, and...well, I don't want to spoil it. Suffice to say, I DEFINITELY do NOT want them near me, ehehehehehehehe. But enough about that. You don't care about things like demons being summoned via dark arts to kill sacrifice victims for the cult's evil plans, you care about more important things. Things like my terrifying stories, ehehehehehehehe...

Our story begins with two young boys, one named CDB and the other named Derp. They were your usual pair of idiotic kids, who didn't listen to their parents. Usually, this led to them being yelled at. But this time, it led to their death!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

"Derp, you grab the flashlights?" "Yea man, let's do this!" The pair looked at each other and nodded. They had been planning this for weeks. They had to plan carefully, lest they get caught. In the peaceful town of Pedia, there was a rumor. In the bottom of the well by the town hall, there was supposedly bodies haphazardly strewn around mud. These had been bodies of the dead, restless souls who died without ever receiving closure, that had long since decayed into the ground. People learned to respect the dead buried there, and leave them be. But there were always those few stubborn kids who dared each other to go in and see the bodies for themselves. Of course, none of these kids had ever come back to tell the tale, which led to the rumors about it being cursed. They had everything planned. Derp would sleep over at CDB's house for the night, bringing with him the supplies needed to get into the well. They waited until midnight before sneaking out of the house. They successfully managed to creep towards the well without anyone seeing them. "Any seconds thoughts before we do this?" Derp asked. "If I was gonna chicken out, I'd have done it already. Hurry up before someone sees us." snapped CDB. Derp shrugged and opened his backpack, and pulled out some rope. He tided one end through a hole in the well, and threw the rest down towards the bottom. They climbed down, hearing nothing but the dripping of water. Derp sighed as he kept climbing down"I was worried the rain last night may have flooded the place, but luckily it already cleared out" he said, his voice echoing. "Yea, good thing" CDB replied. "The well may not have had any water in years, but the rain could have easily changed that." The boys reached the ground. CDB turned on his flashlight. "Damn...." He muttered breathlessly. They had expected the bottom to be extremely small, but it seemed to have opened up to a large cavern below. They explored for a bit, but disappointingly, they didn't come up with any bodies. "Well this sucked" CDB curtly said. Derp nodded. They were about to give up and start heading home when Derp stopped. " hear that?" He whispered. CDB just chuckled. "Nice try, you can't scare me like that." "Shut up, I'm serious." CDB cocked his ear. Sure enough, he hear something. "It''s a girl's voice." he muttered. "Ashes to ashes...." a voice sang out. Derp screamed and tried to run up the rope. "MOVE!!!" CDB screamed, shoving Derp aside to climb first. Derp screamed some profanities at him, but let him climb first and followed VERY shortly after. They were almost at the time when they heard the voice again. "Ashes to ashes....." CDB screamed. He saw a girl at the top of the well. But she....she was transparent! The girl smiled at him and untangled the knot that had been keeping the rope up. The boys fell down to the bottom of the well again, breaking their legs with a sickening SNAP! They screamed in agony. Derp's vision began to blur, but he managed to make out a figure in front of him...was it the girl? He blinked to try and get a better view. She would have been very pretty, had she not had some bullet holes on her head, one of which went straight through her left eye. Had he had the strength, Derp would have thrown up. Instead, he merely looked at her with a dull face. CDB, on the other hand, was desperately trying to crawl away. "Ashes to ashes.....dust to're gonna burn with the rest of us" the girl sang, in an eerie voice. Seconds after she stopped singing, a hand shot out of the ground. This was followed by several more hands shooting out. Faces of the dead appeared in front of the duo and started speaking. "Why....why didn't you listen?" asked Drago, his rotting face filled with pain. "You disturbed us...." whispered Earth, as a wormed crawled through the bullet holes on his head. "You will....join us...." said Sora, trails blood encrusted beneath his eyes. They started grabbing the boys, and pulled them into the ground. They hadn't had the energy to resist, and merely cried as they closed their eyes for the last time. And then, all was silent.

Ehehehehehehehe, as you can see, the poor boys were sadly led to their...DOWNFALL!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! What's that? You said the names of the dead sound familiar? Well the rumor mentioned that the bodies were from souls who never had closure, and being brutally murdered has a way of causing that. Until next time friend *closes door*

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These are getting more and more twisted... I like it. The references were pretty cool too.
Derp, y'had to go and bring rope, darnit.
10/10 solely because it starred me
A fantastic reason for a perfect review XD
This is a FANTASTIC blog.but is Sora suppose to be me?
Yep, that was your ghost!
Because I'm in it and there are cults :3
reminds me of that Bottom of the Well in OoT , it gives me the same feelings ... but Great Blog ! :D
Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. Take the shape of a sword. The purpose is to kill! - Stiyl Magnus
Actually, that song the girl is singing in the story is a line from a Five Nights at Freddy's rap....yea, sounds a lot less intimidating now, huh?
Interesting. Any relation to the well in ocarina of time?
If im to be totally honest, I've only played up to the part where link meets zelda for the first time, and then my emulator kept crashing and I got bored.