What Star Wars SHOULD Represent

What Star Wars SHOULD Represent

Star Wars was incredibly popular among intellectuals and children alike however there have been some hiccups in the system to be known commonly as the Clone Wars 2005 Movie and the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy which consists of the Phantom Menace, the Attack of the Clones, and Revenge of the Sith, which were all made for the purpose of making money like business people and to put in a half-donkey-behind effort. I am not disrespecting the prequels but rather interpreting them and judging them or what I'd prefer to mention them as criticizing. Star Wars is popular for a few good reasons but not the ones you'd expect because these are my opinions and you probably just heard about Star Wars from the weird unintellectual American who thinks they are godsends. I may or may not be correct and you are all entitled to your own personal opinions. Now that I have that under control allow me to explain.

What was good about Star Wars?
This whole beaver dam thing (literally there is an underwater fight scene):
Which concludes as my evidence should you choose to watch it is up to you but I can guarantee you are not wasting a two hours of your already busy lifestyle. It is basically a prediction of what already was. Humanity in a space setting. Star Wars was based off of a Greek Writing or epic so you can get the basis of where this started off. Some of the settings seem old like say Rome or ancient Greece and this is a very clever setting indeed as people were great thinkers at that time. That being said is why I consider this subject to be very American and being the young American nerd as I am you should be inclined to agree if you are truly American and proper* (*imo). Star Wars represents the example of technology and humans fighting each other so in fact this whole concept can be dated back to every war that has ever happened in history making everything more relatable. Anakin never listens to his apprentice in a father son relationship half the time and they fight an almost satanic enemy in due respect which in this case is the Sith and Bounty Hunters who fight for their life or dominance and competition. They have many settings to choose from like say in Dragon Ball (a clever action hero anime and manga) and speak their own ideas. Let's not forget the videogame mood and emotion it is meant to convey just like real life drama.

Now with Star Wars 7 on the horizon and a newer trailer with Anakin aka old Darth Vader lightsaber and Darth Vader in sight you may say it will flop and it may but have hope and good cheer. There is hope and not just cheesy nostalgia in store for more controversy among thinkers and fans upon where this is heading. This will expose what "Disney the Greedy" may stand for and people will fight Disney to it's bitter almost childish liberal agenda to its death.
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i kinda see how the prequels were made to tell the past with more emotion,but sadly too much emotion.
(its kinda weird to see luke unimpressed by his home being burned down)
ikr the prophecy is really deep but I think Anakin was more spoiled because he worked with podracers and Luke just grew up with desert farming like a slave so he doesn't care about what he owns. They are on opposite sides of the spectrum probably because of how they were both raised differently by Obi-Wan and the age difference.
Don't forget about the EU and how everything after Episode 6 has been pushed to non-canocity (I'm making a new word). Those were some of the best stories ever and now they'll probably replace it with something not as good. (the new EU books have been letdowns I've heard)
Oh. You must mean the expanded universe books. I read some of those and I found them a little more confusing than what you may think yet all the same would make sense in canon. I'm willing to accept a multiverse theory based upon what is to happen to Star Wars. But yes the point of Star Wars is very broad. It is this: Anakin is fighting himself and reality and must struggle between the two political and offensive forces to make a truce with the life he is put in.