3DS Game Suggestions?

  • Thread starter Inugirl521
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  • #21
Looking at the game you liked, I want to suggest you Disney's Magical World, specially if you liked Fantasy Life. You can ask @Cheshire_Cat03 about it too, she bought it as well a while back.

It sounds like a kiddy game, but some dungeons/missions can get hard at some point, and if maybe you like Disney, it's really super sweet and fun.
  • #22
Aside from Smash obviously, Luigi's mansion: Dark Moon is a great game. Especially if you played and liked the original it won't be a disappointment. One of my friends got A Link between worlds recently and said it was the best Zelda game in quite a while so there's that as well.
  • #23
I think Mrio kart 7 is super fun! It has crazy tracks and unlockables its really adicting i got mine yesterday.
Mario 3d land Is really awesome! I highly suggest that one and mario vs donkey kong. I don't know if you have already seen but theres a new free game on the eshop called Pokemon shuffle its like candy crush. Theres also nintendo dogs which I like and mario party looks fun, but i've never tried it. Enjoy and good luck! Decisions...
  • #24
Get Super Smash Bros if you'll use it in Multiplayer mode (especially if most of your friends have the copy of the game). And since the game doesn't really end as long as you can get a friend to play with you, there'd be no problem. As for Monster Hunter, it's not for everyone to play (not my kind of game -- but I did try the demo), but as long as you want the gameplay and you have friend hunters to play with, then get that one.
  • #25
I recommend Super Smash Bros,its a good game and every nintendo fan play it,they make a lot of improvements,characters and stages , and also Mario Kart 7 good for multiplayer,you can enjoy this game
with your friends.Have Fun!!!
  • #26
Metroid Prime Hunters Arena 3ds! It would be a be an arena multiplayer battle game with more players than 4 maybe 6 or 8. With different armors and enhancements, maybe 10 interactive arenas to start with and then others as DLC with traps that can be activated. Different weapons and armor enhancements that could be upgraded and maybe also have dlc add-ons. I think that an adventure that introduces the reason that Samus is fighting in the arena ond introduction the other characters would be great as well.
  • #27
My favourites are Fire Emblem Awakening and Virtues Last Reward. Both share beautiful graphics, a great storyline, good replayability and lots of hours of gameplay. Other than that the games are totally different. Fire Emblem is a strategy and fantasy game while VLR is a visual novel with a focus on psychology and puzzles.

FEA is very likeable for it's intriguing storyline and the way you can build up relationships between the characters. It can be played very intensively or a quite casual. There is an enormous amount of sidequests and the story has everything you could wish for. It's funny, tragic and mysterious.

VLR is a highly intelligent game. While it focuses on puzzles and the psychology behind the choices you make I also found elements of quantum physics, English literature and fiction, Latin (lots of it if you know where to look), economics, physics, astronomy, philosophy and biology. That might sound intimidating but you will find that you'll learn and recognise a lot. The storyline is very intriguing and grabs you right from the start. The setting is in the not-so-distant future. It is quite and intensive game and it will give you a lot to think about. It is probably my all time favourite game. I really, really love it. Just like a good book this game has the ability to change your view on the world. There are 24 endings and to understand it all you will find yourself playing the game (at least 24 times) making sure this game lasts a long time. I could talk on for hours about it but I would spoil a lot of it. It is quite a cheap game considering how good it is.