3DS Games That Are Not Worth The Price Tag

  • Thread starter Marc
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"Marc's the sugar daddy of gaming" - Artisan 2020
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Are there any Nintendo 3DS games that you think are not worth their current price tags?
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Combat of Giants Dinosaurs 3D ($19.99 now, but I was unlucky enough to buy it full price when it was new) is not worth it unless someone gives it to you free; and even then most people would probably only play for the first 20 minutes. I mean, how in the hell do they make a game about fighting dinos boring? See this game for details.
Resident Evil The Mercenaries 3D ($19.99 now as well) because while it's a decent game for a bargain buying it for $20 or $40 as many people did when it was new is kind of a waste taking the measly content into view. And it didn't even have Leon in it! :( Besides, with Resident Evil Revelations and its Raid Mode, RE: Mercs 3D is kinda pointless now.
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Mmm... Well, yes. But the most part are eShop titles...
Actually the only game it comes to my mind is Sonic Generations 3DS, that game doesn't worth 30 bucks.
If you think that the 3DS has a lot of high priced games, check how much Gamecube games are on eBay. -_-
If you think that the 3DS has a lot of high priced games, check how much Gamecube games are on eBay. -_-

Well, the same is happening with the PS2. Also Wii games.
Scribblenauts Unmasked , didn't like it lol wasn't worth my money to buy it and there's one power Ranger game lol I saw a video it said the game is full of bug and glitches and it was not worth it as well.
some horrible history game - gladiators
you don't even fight ! or do anything fun
it was so much but i was younger so i didn't know
I got "Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion" when it first came to the eShop for $40. I mean it was fun and all, but it seemed like it was way too short and too easy (was probably made for younger children). So I feel that game ain't worth it.
mario tennis too short and hasn't enough content but it's still fun to play
  • #10
Don't forget Angry Birds: Star Wars. You can buy it for $0.99 on ios/android and the 3ds wants you to buy for $20.00!
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  • #11
Don't forget Angry Birds: Star Wars. You can buy it for $0.99 on ios/android and the 3ds wants you to buy for $20.00!
That's like a hosing for 3DS owners!
  • #12
Hmm, its Hometown Story imo :rolleyes:
That one didnt give anything better than the previous tittle, "A New Beginning"
What it gives us is a degrade in artworks (the ultra cartoonish character is killing it):confused:
Hopefully the next tittle "Connect to a New Land" is superior than ANB :p

PS : if you didnt get it, its Harvest moon series for 3DS :D
  • #13
Cube ninja is like 40$ now lol it should be less than 5$
All because of one guy discovering homebrew on it
  • #14
The tomadachi life game which is $39.99 and to me should be $29.99 or even maybe $19.99 don't get me wrong it is a good game for most of you fans out there but to me should be at least $19.99 and the new adventure time game which to me should also be $19.99 because of the graphics and is overall a great game.
  • #15
Epic Mickey Power of Illusion.

I think the price has dropped to $20 in the eshop, but honestly that's still to high in my opinion. The game is eleven levels. Three boss fights. And a ton of backtracking filler quests. The levels aren't even that great, so having to replay them feels like a huge chore, which it is. You don't *need* to backtrack but it gives you upgrades which I at least needed. Plus since there is only eleven levels the difficulty just kind of spikes.

It's a real shame because the game itself is gorgeous, as is the music, but everything else is meh. It's a Disney game with only eleven levels - so disappointing. I usually warn people to stay away from the game unless they can find it for under $10 and they really love Disney. Without the Disney charm I probably wouldn't have finished it.
  • #16
Super Mario 3D Land is pretty over priced in my opinion, I got for and I play it next to never because is it waaaaaaay to easy. I mean I bad at platformers but with 200+ lives (streetspass) dead never means dead. And € 44,98 for a platformer?! I mean the 3D looks neat and for platformfans the game must be fun but...

A game that I did buy was Crimson Shroud. Let me get this clear; it's not even a game. More like an interactive book. The "gameplay" is super boring and 80% luck. The graphics are hella ugly most of the time and where that would not bother me in an action game this game screams for some love at that part. The story seems good but not €4.99 good if you get bored before the end of the first chapter. On the other hand the game has lots of fans who are totally charmed by its oldschoolness so I am probably just a barbarian. :D And well €4.99 isn't that much. Maybe I'll grow to like it someday.
  • #17

Don't get me wrong, people. These are very good games. But when I spend so much munny in a game, I deserve a FULL experience! With so many DLC's, these games killed my motivation to go on without all the packs! How can I watch the credits and be happy if I'm missing a part of the game!? I'm really wondering if they deserve my money. I'll play, and play, and play... and make a decision: BUY ALL THE DLC'S or sell these games ¬¬
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  • #18

Don't get me wrong, people. These are very good games. But when I spend so much munny in a game, I deserve a FULL experience! With so many DLC's, these games killed my motivation to go on without all the packs! How can I watch the credits and be happy if I'm missing a part of the game!? I'm really wondering if they deserve my money. I'll play, and play, and play... and make a decision: BUY ALL THE DLC'S or sell these games ¬¬
FEA: Okay there's an enormous load of DLC's true, but there is lots of free downloadable content too (Over 50 replayable challenges, bonus items, sidestories, sidequests, extra locations) and I have put hours and hours in it and yet I appear to be only at the start of the story. I think the game is perfectly fine with this price. The DLC's are not essential at all just neat extras for those who wish to make their game last even longer. (But seriously you have to be full-time gamer to beat this game quickly)
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  • #19
It's always good to see another point of view ;)
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  • #20
Persona Q. Okay this is just my opinion. But The tarot set cards ain't worth 10 more bucks for the game. And it is a standard (regular) package of the game. But if you are willing to spend 50 bucks for the gameplay itself (DLC NOT included), then I guess you can live with it, and assume the tarot cards are for free.

PS, I do have the game. I bought it when the hype was all over the place (and I mean ALL over my friends).
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