3DS Games That Are Not Worth The Price Tag

  • Thread starter Marc
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  • #21
Pokemon X and Y. These games are not bad whatsoever, however whenever I go to bestbuy or Walmart they are selling these games for 35$ or 40$. Pokemon ORAS already came out just add 5-10$ and you can get a newer game. They should lower the price to 20$ or 15$
  • #22
HomeTown Story isn't worth the price (I think it costs $30 now, but I got it for $40).

PokeDex 3D Pro is priced ridiculously. Stupid app, too.
  • #23
Persona Q (...) But if you are willing to spend 50 bucks for the gameplay itself (DLC NOT included), then I guess you can live with it, and assume the tarot cards are for free.

I assumed the Tarot Cards as a gift, 'cause I'd pay any price for this game lol
The DLC's so far are meaningless to me. Thank God, 'cause I'm one of this old people who thinks Games must be FULL PACKAGES, and not only the beggining for many additional content to come...
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  • #24
Combat of Giants Dinosaurs 3D ($19.99 now, but I was unlucky enough to buy it full price when it was new) is not worth it unless someone gives it to you free; and even then most people would probably only play for the first 20 minutes. I mean, how in the hell do they make a game about fighting dinos boring? See this game for details.

It's really that bad, huh? I have a hard time imagining that, but I'll take your word for it.

Mmm... Well, yes. But the most part are eShop titles...
Actually the only game it comes to my mind is Sonic Generations 3DS, that game doesn't worth 30 bucks.

Really, that's the only game? Would you say that it's worth getting at all (unless it's free, of course)? Do you know if it's any worse than the X-Box 360 version? I've only played the X-Box 360 version, so I can't really compare the two. I found the game unusually glitchy for a Sonic game and I'm wondering if it's the same for the 3DS.
  • #25
HomeTown Story isn't worth the price (I think it costs $30 now, but I got it for $40).

PokeDex 3D Pro is priced ridiculously. Stupid app, too.

I have to say that I actually agree with this whole post.

The first game feels more like an e-shop little game, while the second is an app. I don't get their price tags...
  • #26
Reading all these I have to agree with everything you guys are saying, I honestly feel like the games in the Eshop should be a lot cheaper than the prices that you can find them in the stores. I swear that Pokémon in the Eshop is equal to the price in the GameStop. This is just my opinion but I think it would be nice to have them lower priced .
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  • #27
Reading all these I have to agree with everything you guys are saying, I honestly feel like the games in the Eshop should be a lot cheaper than the prices that you can find them in the stores. I swear that Pokémon in the Eshop is equal to the price in the GameStop. This is just my opinion but I think it would be nice to have them lower priced .

No kidding, Jeff The Killer. Their prices are ridiculous and it does seem like its same price at GameStop. Considering the prices, it's often just as good (if not a lot better) to just buy them at GameStop or some other store. Like you, I really do wish they would lower their prices a lot. :/
  • #28
Cave Story, fullstop, i just can not justify paying 22 dollars for a game that's free. a friend bought it for me as a gift and the "New" features simply aren't worth it
  • #29
I'd have to say one I cannot hold back from listing here would have to be Sonic Boom. Both of the games for both systems (Wii U and 3DS) are honestly some of the worst games ever made. SEGA did not even bother trying to iron out the bugs/glitches in the first place, and they totally changed the game mechanics. Why is Sonic now able to punch and kick? >_<
As I mentioned in an earlier thread, I played the game at a store which had it on trial. I fell through the ground after jumping in an endless loop...
  • #30
Yep definitely. I think the 3ds game where I got ripped of the most was Mario party island tour. Now I am not saying it exactly a terrible game but it is not the best one I have ever played. The shop system has few items and you can buy them all really easily with bubbles. The minigames are good in it but I think it could have been developed more.
  • #31
As much as I liked Harmoknight, I don't see it as worth almost $15.
I was lucky to be able to get it from Club Nintendo but given the chance I'd rather spend my $15 on another game.
  • #32
to me i think that PMD Gates to infinity is totally not worth the 34.99 because its very short and the story is bland and incredibally easy. It also sometimes very annoying compared to the previous franchise and i only suggest this game to younger children
  • #33
Shovel Knight should totally be 10 dollars. I say that because then somebody who wants it can get a 10 dollar eshop card, instead of a 20 dollar, and then having 5 dollars leftover, which isnt enouugh to get any good game. And i dont think they make 15 dollar cards, though i might be wrong.
  • #34
Pilot Wings 39$ soo not worth that! I got it dirt cheap at a FYE sale and played it ..don't understand why this game so little in content not much keeping u in is 39$ more like 19$ if I were to price it .. Imagine fashion designer I got back as a present years ago 39$ at the time not worth its price tag.. Tomodachi Life 39$ also not worth that much money 29$ maybe ...some games need better pricing ... I think some get overpriced cause of hype..
  • #35
Theatrhyhtm: Final Fantasy. Now, brand new on Amazon, I found it for $29.99 ($22.99 on sale). While I'm not exactly sure what the retail was when it was released (I'm guessing it was $39.99), and don't get me wrong, this was a good game, the DLCs that were available for it were crazy. Paying for a $40 game and on top of that having to pay for extra songs and (characters?) was insane. I believe the 3DS one had a lot of DLC, but I know that the iPhone version was even first, only giving you 2 songs before making you buy a bunch of songs and characters.

To be fair though, the iPhone version was free.
  • #36
Pokemon HG/SS (DS). I saw them in a store (Sells 2nd hand games) and they're £29.99 (without pokewalker). It's still pretty much full price, and the game itself has been out for a while. It should be lowered to at least £15-£20. There are newer Pokemon games out there which makes either title a rip-off. I know both really good games and all but I wouldn't pay that much personally.
  • #37
Tomodatchi life is not worth it's price tag, sure it's interesting for the first week or so but then you just get really bored of it. With repetitive stuff and just waiting for stuff to happen
  • #38
Are there any games that you absolutely do not recommend?
I don't want to make the same mistake I made with Rayman 3D.
  • #39
I would say never buy the game Dream Trigger 3D since it is totally lame although the name sounds like a shooting game its not and it is a complete waste of money,the game has nothing fun and is totally boring i got in a pouch with some other games but it was the only lame one in the pouch.
  • #40
I think a game that is a waste of money is angry birds trilogy. It has three angry birds games in one. The levels were very hard and frustrating to play. I have not played the game in a while. I just ended up deleting the game after that. Someimes I just think to myself saying, what was I thinking, I could have gotten something better then this!