3DS port for Xenoblade

  • Thread starter Ashkil
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Space Cowboy
Towns Folk
A port has been announced in the Nintendo Direct that there's going to be a Xenoblade Chronicles port for the New 3DS. It appears to have better graphics than the regular 3DS so this possibly will be only for the new one. As of now there has been no announcement on their plans for porting it to the regular 3DS.
Anyone else as annoyed as I am if this is true?
A port has been announced in the Nintendo Direct that there's going to be a Xenoblade Chronicles port for the New 3DS. It appears to have better graphics than the regular 3DS so this possibly will be only for the new one. As of now there has been no announcement on their plans for porting it to the regular 3DS.
Anyone else as annoyed as I am if this is true?

I'm as annoyed as you, I guess that will somehow mean the end of the original 3DS/3DS XL and the 2DS. They'll still be supported, but I bet that a lot of games will now be made for the N3DS until the 3DS/2DS/3DSXL's end..

Back to subject, the port looks good. I've never played Xenoblade, but graphically, it looks promising.
It appears to have better graphics than the regular 3DS so this possibly will be only for the new one. As of now there has been no announcement on their plans for porting it to the regular 3DS.
I saw the gameplay and it was through a New 3DS, but is this part just speculation or did they really say this?

The graphics may just be worse on a normal 3DS or something, I'd hope.
I saw the gameplay and it was through a New 3DS, but is this part just speculation or did they really say this?

The graphics may just be worse on a normal 3DS or something, I'd hope.

This is true, it won't get a regular 3DS release, it's a N3DS-only release.
Are you absolutely sure this was specifically mentioned in the Direct?
Are you absolutely sure this was specifically mentioned in the Direct?

Well, the N3DS had its hardware changed, so, I'm absolutely sure this game will be N3DS-exclusive, since the hardware will be stronger than the 3DSXL/2DS/3DS one.
Well, the N3DS had its hardware changed, so, I'm absolutely sure this game will be N3DS-exclusive, since the hardware will be stronger than the 3DSXL/2DS/3DS one.
If that's the case, it could just play worse on the 3DS or something. You don't how this is going to work yet.
It's still not confirmed if it's New3DS only. It's still quite likely coming for the originals too. What they showed in Direct was on the New, with its improved graphics and whatnot, probably to showoff how good the New3DS is. I think we'll need to wait a few days before we get confirmation either way
Urgh. I hate the N3DS tbh. The 3DS is still going strong, and there is no need for us to empty our pockets again. I would only buy it if there was an exchange service. Its unfair to some people since they JUST got the 3DS. Sure, the new 3DS got some better hardware that can support Xenoblade with better graphics, but that is no excuse to only release Xenoblade onto the new 3DS.

I dont want to pay a few hundred dollars for a new game system with only better graphics anyways >w<
  • #10
It'd be absolutely stupid of Nintendo to release stuff like this for the new 3DS only. They'll be missing out on huge potential sales by people who have regular 3DSes and won't upgrade. I hope @Icemario is right and it'll just have somewhat worse visuals on the regular 3DS but still be playable, but judging from the announcement it seems to be exclusive.
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  • #11
Okay, it's been officially confirmed that xenoblade is a N3DS exclusive. Apparently this is only possible with the increased CPU speed, which is why it's not coming for the old 3DS. I just hope this doesn't spark a trend of all N3DS exclusives
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  • #12
This is a horrible decision by Nintendo, to be honest. The 3DS is a very solid platform with one of the best RPG games ever released, and the addition of a tiny C-Stick + a slightly more powerful CPU doesn't seem like a good idea to buy this system... Unless, they have a service which you can transfer your current 3DS games and trade it in for a New 3DS.
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  • #13
Okay, it's been officially confirmed that xenoblade is a N3DS exclusive. Apparently this is only possible with the increased CPU speed, which is why it's not coming for the old 3DS. I just hope this doesn't spark a trend of all N3DS exclusives
Hopefully, if it does, the next gen handheld will have backwards compatibility for all things 3ds?
  • #14
Yep, backwards compatibility has been confirmed.
  • #15
This is a horrible decision by Nintendo, to be honest. The 3DS is a very solid platform with one of the best RPG games ever released, and the addition of a tiny C-Stick + a slightly more powerful CPU doesn't seem like a good idea to buy this system... Unless, they have a service which you can transfer your current 3DS games and trade it in for a New 3DS.

it's why they are using a huge game like Xenoblade to make people buy the handheld.
  • #16
Well, it seems that Ninty sticks to their dual screen handheld. I know it's promising, with upgraded CPU and all, but no... I don't buy games only for graphics (our neighbour Sony has PSVita anyway).

I don't hope about original 3DS port of Xenoblade. I'd rather buy another good RPG :)
  • #17
I knew this was going to happen. This is so disappointing from Nintendo, the're making us 3DS users feel like we must go over to the New 3DS, because the're exclusives available on that system, the extra circle pad is enough. I don't see the use of them having exclusives for this "new console". The reason why I said "new console" was that this is not an updated 3DS, if there is exclusives, it's totally different.

To be honest, the New 3DS, is happening too soon. I wouldn't have mind if they pushed it back to 2015/2016, but 2014 (in Japan) is way too soon. The 3DS is now beginning it's library.. All the support for the 3DS, would just drop one, slowly depleting, then the few millions of the world who own a 3DS/2DS/3DSXL would have to upgrade. I'm disappointed Nintendo, I really dislike the "exclusive" bargain you're trying to capture us with... The 3DS is doing so well, I know the New 3DS is practically the same thing, but the exclusives, would just split the support, everything would be unbalance.

Sorry, I went a little hay-wire (off-topic) there.
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  • #18
Probably the biggest reason they're making exclusives is to force us into getting the N3DS. I'm willing to bet that many wouldn't buy it if there were no exclusives and it was only an updated DS, like the DSi to the DS. It's a pretty evil plan and is probably going to be scarily successful
  • #19
I knew this was going to happen. This is so disappointing from Nintendo, the're making us 3DS users feel like we must go over to the New 3DS, because the're exclusives available on that system, the extra circle pad is enough. I don't see the use of them having exclusives for this "new console". The reason why I said "new console" was that this is not an updated 3DS, if there is exclusives, it's totally different.

To be honest, the New 3DS, is happening too soon. I wouldn't have mind if they pushed it back to 2015/2016, but 2014 (in Japan) is way too soon. The 3DS is now beginning it's library.. All the support for the 3DS, would just drop one, slowly depleting, then the few millions of the world who own a 3DS/2DS/3DSXL would have to upgrade. I'm disappointed Nintendo, I really dislike the "exclusive" bargain you're trying to capture us with... The 3DS is doing so well, I know the New 3DS is practically the same thing, but the exclusives, would just split the support, everything would be unbalance.

Sorry, I went a little hay-wire (off-topic) there.
I agree with all your points. The New 3DS is a really horrible upgrade, boasting a slightly more powerful CPU and a tiny second C-Stick.
Nintendo did not make a good decision of releasing this system so early, they should have done this when the 3DS would be near the end of it's life. Nintendo really crushed my hopes here, I can predict accurately that if Majora's Mask 3D does come out, it will come out only for the N3DS. Even games released in the future would be unplayable on the 3DS. :(
I hope this system doesn't sell well, and they should discontinue it.
I doubt people would go for the extra C-Stick and slightly better Cpu. They would buy this system mainly for the games
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  • #20
I think that in the new3ds we will have some exclusive game ...like 4 or 5 not more.
They did this with the game boy (andvance,micro,sp etc) and with the nds and ndsi.

anyway i will buy the new one,.......i started playing xenoblade but never finished because by brother broke the wii =(
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