3DS port for Xenoblade

  • Thread starter Ashkil
  • Start date
  • #21
Urgh, first thing the market will replace those old systems with the new ones, well its clear that they will not sell all the systems, and that would be confusing as well for the parents, they already did this before with the DS- DSi they stopped the production of the old ones,( so expect only 2ds, N3DS, N3DS XL in later 2015 probably) and while some people think that the N3DS will have few exclusives games, i dont think so, nintendo made it clear that they want to bring the full potential of the 3DS with Xenoblade and that leaves a lot of opportunities, i know about the DSi, but expect the N3DS to have more exclusive games because of the potential in graphics etc that can do, i made my point , so i know its hard but nintendo did well to announce this now, you just have to deal with it, of course they will still make normal 3DS games, but knowing Nintendo they will promote a lot this N3DS and people will eventually upgrade, (Im just imagining that 7 gen Pokémon will probably have N3DS exclusives which is very possible).