Ban the User Above You

  • Thread starter Matthew
  • Start date
  • #2,401
Banned for the sake of banning because you're so bannable that everyone in this thread will ban you until you can't be banned because banning is fun.
  • #2,402
Banned because I am the banner of banners, the banned banner.
  • #2,403
Banned for being a banner of the banned, the bannest of the ban, the overlord of ban, and getting banished to the banderworld
  • #2,404
banned for over-banning
  • #2,405
Banned for under-banning
  • #2,406
Banned for banning so freaking much
  • #2,407
(>'-')> Banned for being part of the banning spree <('-'<)
  • #2,408
banned for using that emoticon a lot
  • #2,409
(>'-')> Banned for using white text to make it seem invisible. <('-'<)
  • #2,410
banned for using that emoticon again
  • #2,411
Banned for having a problem with my typed emoticons (;-;)
  • #2,412
banned for failed emoticon
  • #2,413
Banned for arguing over stupid topics.
  • #2,414
banned for arguing about are argument
  • #2,415
Banned for arguing about me arguing about your argument.
  • #2,416
banned for the redundancy
  • #2,417
Banned for having no picture in their signature
  • #2,418
banned for playing a lot of LoL
  • #2,419
Banning jacky for being a taco
  • #2,420
Banned for being a fanboy