Ban the User Above You

  • Thread starter Matthew
  • Start date
  • #281
Banned because Mirai Nikki is awesome :angelic:
  • #282
Banned because I agree
  • #283
Banned because Phoenix Wright is better. :p
  • #284
I ban youcef2001 for not specifying which Phoenix Wright games are the best.
  • #285
Banned for no avi.
  • #286
Banned for default avi hate.
  • #287
Banned for banning default avi hate.
  • #288
Banned for protecting yourself with bans.
  • #289
Banned for banning someone that protects themselves with bans.
  • #290
Banned for taking 2 minutes to come up with a ban.
  • #291
Banned because I can use all the time I want to come up with a ban.
  • #292
Banned because taking too long to ban makes people immune to bans.
  • #293
Banned because there is no limit to say how long it take to ban and for evading bans.
  • #294
Banned for trying to meta me.
  • #295
Banned because there's nothing wring with metaing and Meta Knight's concept art was a butterfly.
  • #296
Banned because you watched the Kirby anime too.
  • #297
Banned because you're a stalker.
  • #298
Banned because Ariana_Grande wants a code generator virus.
  • #299
Banned because that has nothing to do with me.
  • #300
Banned because that's my point.