sonicxdxa NintenPedia Member Towns Folk Jul 28, 2016 #3,281 Bans back because it's to cute to be allowed
28142 Nintendo 3DS Legend Towns Folk Jul 28, 2016 #3,282 Banned because Bananya is the lord master of all cuteness and bypasses all rules and regulations.
28142 Nintendo 3DS Legend Towns Folk Jul 28, 2016 #3,284 Banned because that's not a valid ban reason.
sonicxdxa NintenPedia Member Towns Folk Jul 28, 2016 #3,285 BANS BECAUSE (I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE) UMMMMMMMMM BECAUSE BANANAS ARE A FOOD
28142 Nintendo 3DS Legend Towns Folk Jul 28, 2016 #3,288 Banned because of the triple post and all caps.
28142 Nintendo 3DS Legend Towns Folk Jul 28, 2016 #3,290 Banned for not banning and giving a valid reason to do with the ban you banned.
28142 Nintendo 3DS Legend Towns Folk Jul 28, 2016 #3,292 Banned because that's not a ban that you just wrote. Banned for ruining the flow of the thread ;-;
sonicxdxa NintenPedia Member Towns Folk Jul 28, 2016 #3,293 FINE ONE MORE BAN I SUPER BAN YOU BECAUSE CATS SHOULD NOT BE IN BANANAS (even though it's cute)
28142 Nintendo 3DS Legend Towns Folk Jul 28, 2016 #3,294 Banned because You just contradicted yourself That was in all caps making your ban invalid meaning I'm a free Bananyako now.
Banned because You just contradicted yourself That was in all caps making your ban invalid meaning I'm a free Bananyako now.
28142 Nintendo 3DS Legend Towns Folk Jul 28, 2016 #3,296 Banned because this When posting messages in forum threads, please avoid using all CAPS. Click to expand...
Banned because this When posting messages in forum threads, please avoid using all CAPS. Click to expand...
Cevil Pokemon Master Towns Folk Jul 28, 2016 #3,297 Banned for not washing your hands last time you used the restroom.
28142 Nintendo 3DS Legend Towns Folk Jul 28, 2016 #3,298 Banned because That's a false fact You falsely assumed something about me
2 24460 Professional Profile Stalker Towns Folk Jul 28, 2016 #3,299 Banned for banning Cevil before I could