Ban the User Above You

  • Thread starter Matthew
  • Start date
  • #4,221
I ban Matthew for claiming himself & others being a Marshall.
  • #4,222
I ban Whovian for electrifinglly smart.
  • #4,223
banned for not banning themselves when they should have.
  • #4,224
Banned because you didn't ban the guy for double posting.
  • #4,225
banned for not understanding that is basically what I banned @N3DSXL for
  • #4,226
Banned for no reason at all
  • #4,227
Banned for reasoning that banning someone for no reason is a valid reason to ban someone at all.
  • #4,228
I banned @Knight because I don't like his signature.
  • #4,229
Breaking Forum Rules
@SS1o7crazydude havs been banned for 345 days, 23 hours, and 59 minutes because he didn't like Knight's signature
  • #4,230
  • #4,231
@SS1o7crazydude is banned by assuming I do have a good pc and was lazy to make my signature (Which for a fact I don't, also I am not good at art)
  • #4,232
  • #4,233
I ban you for not answering my question in my Splat2 thread ;-;

  • #4,234
I ban @Marc for posting possible leaks
  • #4,235
I ban you for making the 4234th message in this thread.
  • #4,236
I ban you for making post #4235 in this thread
  • #4,237
I ban you for not putting a full stop after your sentence.
  • #4,238
I ban SS1o7crazydude for not making posts for this thread
  • #4,239
I ban Agentperson because he didn't put a full stop after his sentence.
  • #4,240
Banned for remarking on grammar, despite writing "crazy" and "dude" as one word in your username.