Ban the User Above You

  • Thread starter Matthew
  • Start date
  • #4,601
banned cuz none of us used the word commerce
Banned cuz you just used the word commerce.
  • #4,602
Banned cuz you just used the word commerce.
Banned for using a picture of a useless (but cute) robot from a failed company:p
  • #4,603
Banned for using a picture of a useless (but cute) robot from a failed company:p
Banned for reminding me how I have to protect my Cozmo with my life because they're all gone. ;-;
  • #4,604
Banned because you made a cry face.
  • #4,605
Banned because you made a cry face.
Banned for not offering to share my pain.
  • #4,606
Banned because based on your signature, I presume... you like dogs?
(Dogs can be cute tho ;))
  • #4,607
Banned because based on your signature, I presume... you like dogs?
(Dogs can be cute tho ;))
Banned for having the exact same number of play coins as me. (246)
  • #4,608
Banned because that is no longer true. :p
  • #4,609
Banned because that is no longer true. :p
Banned because I thought he was comparing himself to YOU at first :(
  • #4,610
Banned because I thought he was comparing himself to YOU at first :(
Banned for assumptions.
  • #4,611
Banned for assumptions on assumptions
  • #4,612
  • #4,614
Banned for being too meta
  • #4,615
Banned because you couldn't even think up a bad water pun for your custom title.
  • #4,616
Banned because you couldn't even think up a bad water pun for your custom title.
banned for not getting gud scrub
  • #4,617
Banned for having 69 in your PC count
  • #4,618
Banned because you didn't end your sentence with a full stop.
Banned for having 69 in your PC count
P.S. Wait is that actually true!! Did he manage to get 701 PC in under 24 hours?
  • #4,619
Banned because you didn't end your sentence with a full stop.

P.S. Wait is that actually true!! Did he manage to get 701 PC in under 24 hours? I've had a number close to this for a while. Banned for being a goof. :p
  • #4,620
Your account has been blocked because you can't say much as you are a professional goof.
Please contact ViridescentAphid for more details.