Ban the User Above You

  • Thread starter Matthew
  • Start date
  • #5,001
banned for NOT having a gif as ur pfp.
banned because reverse card
  • #5,002
  • #5,003
Banned for no icon.
  • #5,004
Ban for having a gif icon
  • #5,005
Banned for not having a Pokemon Trainer as a profile pic and no icon, as well as having a Mario Kart license.

  • #5,006
Ban for making me forget my Master Ball to catch you

Be right back...

(rustling can be heard as I search for it)
  • #5,007
Banned because Master balls succ

The wild DIALGA fled!
  • #5,008
Banned cause Nexotraps are where it's at.
  • #5,009
banned because

s u c c
  • #5,010
ban cuz yours aient t h i c c enough
  • #5,011
Banned because @Marc didn't make the site notify me of this ban even though I follow this thread
  • #5,012
Ban dor the same reason
  • #5,013
  • #5,014
Banned because of the rumors:

  • #5,015
  • #5,016
Banned until you watch this:
  • #5,017
Banned because I'm not watching it.
  • #5,018
  • #5,019
Banned because you're Agentperson
  • #5,020
Banned because you're NOT Dialga