Ban the User Above You

  • Thread starter Matthew
  • Start date
  • #921
I ban you for having an.... interesting signature.
  • #922
I ban you for having an xl signature (how did you do that?)
  • #923
I ban you because I don't know what you're talking about, I just changed my signature to this normally.
  • #924
I ban you for not realising your sig is 3x taller than mine
  • #925
I ban you for banning me for such a flimsy reason - at least try come up with a better reason to ban me.
*Sigh* How the standards for banning have fallen. Back in my day... *goes on a long-winded monologue*
  • #926
Banned you because Mega Blaziken is in Ubers and this is an OU forum.
  • #927
I ban you for discriminating against Ubers. What did we ever do to you?!
  • #928
I ban you for talking about Pokemon on the Fun & Games forum instead of the Pokemon forum!
  • #929
I ban you for honouring Grima with your avatar!
  • #930
I ban you for discriminating against the Grimleal!
  • #931
I ban you for honouring the fell dragon and thinking that's okay
  • #932
I ban you for NOT honoring the fell dragon!
  • #933
I ban you for being a meany. (And I'm also of to play some FEA, I'm not even close to completing the story)
  • #934
I ban you for not beating FEA yet!
  • #935
I ban you for having played FEA before I've even bought it!
  • #936
I ban you for not having played such a wonderful game!
  • #937
I ban you for banning someone who wants to buy FEA
  • #938
I ban you for banning someone who already bought FEA!
  • #939
I ban you for thinking buying FEA makes you unbannable
  • #940
I ban you for thinking that not having FEA makes YOU unbannable!