• Thread starter xxmathew6xx
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  • #21
I say donkey kong. He is so big and strong and he looks like he can beat anybody up. Donkey Kong is my main fighter in smash bros. Whenever I hear a new donkey kong game is coming out, I want the game immediately and think about it all day. Donkey kong should be more popular than mario. Mario you are too popular, let donkey kong have a chance.
  • #22
I really like every character of nintendo, I like many of them but I haven't even played game of some of my favorite character like link, yoshie, kirby and mario many more but whom I really like the most is kirby he like little cute pink digimon :p to me and on second it will be link
  • #23
Haha it's sorta obvious for me xD

  • #24
I'd go for Kirby because who can resist that adorable pinky fluffball who likes to eat everything in sight? xD

I like the fact he can obtain pretty much gain any enemy ability by simply copying them. There's so many attacks and types of abilties to take advantage of! Big things come in small packages, and Kirby is one of them. xD
  • #25
My favorite video game character of all time would be either (Nintendo): Mario because he's awesome and probably one of the most iconic video game characters of all time. Or (Other): Andrew Ryan because he has some of the best lines and voice acting I've ever heard in a video game. (Plus an incredibly gory golf club scene :p)
  • #26
If I had to pick just one favorite Nintendo character, it is probably pretty obvious that I would choose Wario. I think that Nintendo really made quite a character out of him, producing both the excellent Wario Land Series as well as the wacky WarioWare series, both of which enjoyed the heck out of and always will.