Moon Rain
N = R x fp x ne x fl x fi x fc x L
Towns Folk
To be honest, I think everyone is told that "Well bullies often have a bad life and they were bullied themselves and they don't like it at home and they basically always have a good reason to ruin other people's lives", I don't think that is an excuse to bully though and I think in high school it's mainly bullies just not wanting to get bullied themselves or just wanna be 'one of the kids'. Most bullies I know really just think they're so funny and just like to show people their 'might' not always realizing how they make other people's lives worse. I understand what you mean though and it's true that bullies aren't always bad peepsWhat most people dont know:
Bullies usually have an worse life than their victims.
Something really frustrates them their whole life and they can find no better method than letting it out on other people.
And yes,Bullies can be bullied by other bullies