beep boop gimme da scoop
Towns Folk
When I play with my brother in Animal Crossing: New Leaf I have only a few rules... The Golden Rules... The first Golden Rule is to NeVeR run or steal my flowers. I "work" hard to get all of those flowers! The second Golden Rule is to NeVeR chop down trees! I also "work" hard to get those trees to full height! The third and final Golden Rule is to NeVeR buy AnYtHiNg from the shops in my town without me knowing! I do not like to see items gone from the shop that I either wanted to buy for myself or items that I was going to buy for someone else. As you can tell, I am a complete control freak. This also applies to real life; I just hate not knowing what is happening. I sure seem to trail off track, don't I?