Hero of Twilight
Towns Folk
Story mode-wise: Yes.
Competitive (Vs. Others): No.
I remember very distinctly how long it took for me to get through Emerald the first time. SoulSilver and Platinum were the same way. Since Black and White though, the stories have been getting easier and easier to obtain. Same goes for legends. In Emerald, they made you WORK for the privilege of legends! Now, no Pokemon is rare anymore. EVERY Pokemon (excluding events) is available in X/Y and OR/AS! Even Deoxys, previously an extremely rare event, is now flooding everyone's Gen 6 games! With the introduction of many new items, including Mega Stones, competitive battling has become much harder though, which still leaves fun to be found in the newer games.
Competitive (Vs. Others): No.
I remember very distinctly how long it took for me to get through Emerald the first time. SoulSilver and Platinum were the same way. Since Black and White though, the stories have been getting easier and easier to obtain. Same goes for legends. In Emerald, they made you WORK for the privilege of legends! Now, no Pokemon is rare anymore. EVERY Pokemon (excluding events) is available in X/Y and OR/AS! Even Deoxys, previously an extremely rare event, is now flooding everyone's Gen 6 games! With the introduction of many new items, including Mega Stones, competitive battling has become much harder though, which still leaves fun to be found in the newer games.