My dream job would be...well that's hard since I have four.
The first one would be a Videogame Tester, since I would get to play the games before they come out and see it in its raw form with bugs (if there are any). And not to mention I get paid to play videogames! How cool is that.
The second would be to be the person who watches the videos on Netflix and rates and summarizes the videos. I saw the job on the news and I thought that's cool, getting paid to watch a show or a movie. Though I would need lots of snacks for it. And I heard that the person that does this gets paid a lot of money.
The third one is being a writer, I have many stories that always pops up in my head and I always start them but I never seem to finish them. Like writing and I want others to read my stories, I hope to be as good as Erin Hunter or James Patterson one day.
And the last one is to create a Manga I love reading mangas and so many inspired me to draw but I know I can get lazy and I hate drawing backgrounds. But aside from that I hope for those as jobs because everyone wants to work their dream job.