Ever missed a shiny pokemon?

  • Thread starter CJ
  • Start date
  • #21
Shiny Zekrom on my first encounter TT_TT I was pretty angry, I never really SR for the shiny legends but this one made me so angry that I started SRing to get it again OTL
  • #22
I was bored so I was just running in the grass of some random route.I found a shiny nincada but the problem was I wasn't paying much attention to my 3ds so I pressed run and then when I looked at my 3ds I realized that I ran away from a shiny nincada.If only I had payed attention to my Ds U could have got it :(.
  • #23
I haven't yet but I'm afraid that my Pokémon will KO it or I'll run away from it on accident. OR happen to not have any Pokéballs if I see one.

But I just want to encounter one first.
  • #24
Well i have missed shiny pokemon two times first when I encountered shiny ralts in horde which was really confusing and i end up killing that pokemon and second time I encountered shiny tentacool I while moving on random water body!!
  • #25
I haven't yet but I'm afraid that my Pokémon will KO it or I'll run away from it on accident. OR happen to not have any Pokéballs if I see one.

But I just want to encounter one first.
Make sure you have some masterballs! :3 Chain fishing is a pretty good method, you should encounter a shiny in about an hour.