Fantasy Life,Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire or Harvest Moon Lost Valley?

  • Thread starter Kakea
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Towns Folk
All 3 let you create characters name them or customize them,which one make's you most excited to play:Or it's all of them?
I haven't played Fantasy Life, but i've sure played Harvest moon and many other pokemon games. As of now, I would recommend Pokemon OR/AS as to how the game is; it has a lengthy storyline, with a multitude of sidequests and places to explore. It also has a competitive feature, which can give you endless amounts of fun. There are many tournaments you can participate in. Pokemon X, even after 2 years, is still alive due to it's competitive playerbase.
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Reactions: Kakea
November is the time for RPGs I guess. Lol. All these games are amazing. If I had the money, I'd buy them in this order Fantasy Life > HM Lost Valley > OR/AS

The best game out of all this will probably be pokemon, and HArvest Moon/Fantasy Life is similar in a way. It's really up to you to which one you like more.
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Reactions: Kakea
I would stay far from the Harvest Moon, personally. I'm more toward Story of Seasons than Lost Valley. However, I'm in love with Fantasy Life but will sure pick up Pokémon as well when it comes out ;)
In terms of how much I looked / am looking forward to them, it goes like this: Fantasy Life > Pokémon OR/AS > Harvest Moon: Lost Valley (to be honest I didn't even know this was a thing until now).

Though Pokémon's probably a next year purchase for me and I'll likely never get HM Lost Valley.
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Reactions: Kakea
I'm most looking forward to Fantasy Life:I like Harvest Moon and Pokemon but I won't be able to get them,especially if I get Fantasy Life first...
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Reactions: Icemario
I am getting omega ruby and alpha sapphire for christmas
I'm looking forward to OR/AS the most (#pokefan4eva) <3

I've heard many good things about it, improved and new features, and using the graphics from X/Y will make it even better! I think personally you should go for either game, you won't be disappointed.

I don't care for the other games you mentioned. No offense guys. :p
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Reactions: Dargsidan and CrazyElf
I'm looking forward to OR/AS the most (#pokefan4eva) <3

I've heard many good things about it, improved and new features, and using the graphics from X/Y will make it even better! I think personally you should go for either game, you won't be disappointed.

I don't care for the other games you mentioned. No offense guys. :p
I agree with Mika.

OR/AS is amazing. So much content, adventure, and much more. New battling features, a lengthy storyline, nostalgic, but improved music... Ah, this game seems so good.

If you're a Pokemon fan, you should definitely buy one of those games. Even if you are not, still try to get it. The game probably won't be a disappointment.
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Reactions: Kakea and Mikaya
  • #10
Just buy all! I prefer Story of Seasons over HM Lost Valley though, MineCraft is not my style.
I'm going to buy Tomodachi Life soon so I don't think I will buy Fantasy Life either, as I will have both Animal Crossing and Tomodachi Life (which are quite similar). But ORAS is a must for me (I don't have Pokemon X, Y :( )
  • #11
I saw Story Of Seasons once,is it a Harvest Moon game or a Natsume game like it?
  • #12
  • #13
Oh... Thanks! I wish I had enough money to buy/play both Lost Valley and Story Of Seasons:I loved playing some of the much older games til now!
  • #14
Even though I played a harvest moon game and it was lots of fun I would rather pokemon omega ruby and alpha sapphire than all of them,i have been playing pokemon for such a long time now and I think ORAS is the best so far for pokemon games.
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Reactions: Kakea
  • #15
I kind of like harvest moon, but not so much that I would pass up ORAS for it. Honestly, I've never seen any gameplay of fantasy life, but I heard it's good. So probably Alpha Sapphire.
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Reactions: Kakea
  • #16
This is the most mentioned game,0o0 Did anyone get the Pokemon card game too?
  • #17
Fantasy Life because of Level-5! Sadly, you have to buy the DLC because... yeah. The best thing (especially if you're single player) is there.
I don't really play Pokemon, but at least we can guarantee the quality.
About Lost Valley, I dunno. Anyway I'm just curious what would be the title of the game if released in Japan .__.
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Reactions: Kakea
  • #18
What's the DLC for in Fantasy Life?
and for Lost Valley this game is NOT going to be release in Japan?
  • #20