Helloo! \:D/
Towns Folk
The pp Max thing is the problem bro I don't just have those lying around lol
If ur account is(game)is registered with pgl then go there and buy some on the pokemilage shop.Its half the price there.Got 40 rarecandies from my saved up poke-miles.U should try that its a 50%off sale every time.
If ur account is(game)is registered with pgl then go there and buy some on the pokemilage shop.Its half the price there.Got 40 rarecandies from my saved up poke-miles.U should try that its a 50%off sale every time.
Remove brave bird and add focus blast,also switch the sky upper with high jump kick and pp max them all.
And also @@CaptainWiggy can you fully ev train and pp max and also lv. up to 100 my 5 poke?2 are at 68, one at 67 n other two lv 85. and 90.
How much would you charge for it?
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