Guilty or not Guilty

  • Thread starter Mario1992
  • Start date
  • #161
guilty have ever got so mad a game you throw it across the room
  • #162
Not guilty
Have you ever made yur homework using google translate?
  • #163
Not guilty..... I did my french holiday homework with google translate lol.
Are you guilty that you broke your neighbour's window with a cricket ball?
  • #164
Not guilty
Have you ever eaten something alive?
  • #165
Not guilty
Remember you broke your teeth trying to eat a stone?
  • #166
Not guilty (unless lego is a stone)

Did you ever try to eat soap?
  • #167
Not guilty. I thought about it as a kid but thankfully didn't follow through.

Have you ever made a joke that you were the only one who found funny?
  • #168
Not guilty. I thought about it as a kid but thankfully didn't follow through.

Have you ever made a joke that you were the only one who found funny?
Super guilty

Have you ever laughed about a joke then felt guilty for laughing?
  • #169
guilty once have you ever went on a site your not supposed to and got in trouble
  • #170
Guilty... loads of times :bag:...

Have you ever liked video game characters too much (like people on fanfiction)
  • #171
Guilty.Sometimes I even consider the possibility of that they can be existent if someone dedicates to transfer them from videogames to reality,although that sounds like a messy idea. :panda:

Have you ever raged so hard up to the point where actually broke your console with no control on your anger?
  • #172
Not Guilty, Never in fact :p

Have you ever slept past midday? :|
  • #173
more than guilty

Have you ever fallen asleep while doing your homework at evening and then didnt have it the next day?
  • #174
Not guilty
Have you ever stole from a shop a got away with it?
  • #175
not guilty have you played a game and then fal asleep
  • #176
Have you ever made a fool of yourself in front of a stage during a performance?
  • #177
Guilty I once entered a school talent show and butchered my performance when ai played the Oboe because I was so nervous.

Have you ever had someone tell you a joke that is obvious but it took you forever to get it or you never got it and they had to tell you?
  • #178
Guilty I heard this one joke about a fake tree and I thought something else.... The people laughed at me with my hideous answer and told me what it was.

Have you ever cried for a stupid reason?