Hate the 'Mon Above You!

  • Thread starter Gecko
  • Start date
  • #21
I hate Umbreon because it's not as powerful in my opinion.
My favorite pokemon is Phione.
  • #22
I hate Phione because I still dunno how to pronounce it's name. "Feon? Like Leafeon?

Weavile is my second fav type. Yes I love Dark Types. They need a buff imo.
  • #23
My fav is Palkia. I hate Weavile because you can't really tell what gender it is.... Feminine appearance, masculine voice
  • #24
i hate palkia because the way it looks. i love flygon
  • #25
I hate Flygon since Garchomp is better then it. I love Dragonite
  • #26

I hate dragonite since it got nerfed this gen. It isn't as useful as it used to be,

I love mew.
  • #27
I hate mew because it's not as sexual as it's friend Ditto.

Another one of my favorite pokemon is Emolga :D
  • #28
I hate Emolga because its another Pikachu type pokemon
one of the my favorites is Infernape
  • #29
I hate Infernape because I don't really like fire types.
Another favorite of mine is Dedenne.
  • #30
i hate dedenne because it's annoying in the new pokemon Anime

How bout them scizors?
  • #31
I hate Scizor since it only has 1 weakness

I like Pelipper
  • #32
I hate pelipper because his bill is big.... And fat. My favorite pokemon Pikachu
  • #33
I hate Pikachu since he gets special treatment

I like Arcanine
  • #34
I hate Arcanine because it's a fail Legendary Pokemon. someone needs to rewrite that pokedex. Firestones are cheap nowadays.

I love Miltoic though
  • #35
I hate Milotic since It didn't get an additional fairy typing

I love Vanilluxe
  • #36
I hate vanilluxe because I can only get chocolate in 1/8,192 chance

Magikarp is cute
  • #37
I dislike Magikarp, because of it's useless splashing. :oops:

Lilligant is awesome!
  • #38
I hate Lilligant because pokemon really doesn't need another Venesaur flower thing :p
Sceptile FTW!!!!
  • #39
I hate sceptile cause it took years to teach him to be a dragon.

That Rotom though
  • #40
I hate rotom because it looks like a fishing lure, but would likely electrocute the whole lake if actually used as one. :p (I actually love rotom)
My favorite is Absol.