Have you ever regretted a trade?

  • Thread starter RashRiolu
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Traveling gamer
Towns Folk
We all have our weak moments in Pokemon and I'd like to see yours. Was there ever a Pokemon trade that you wish you could take back? Why did you make this trade, and why did you regret it?

I've made plenty of GTS trading mistakes such as trading 1/4 of my legendaries for shinies (with no knowledge of them being legit) but one I'll possibly take to the grave is the time I traded my trustworthy team member, Dusknoir, for another shiny Eevee. It seemed like a good idea at the time since I was trying to have all shiny eeveeloutions, but I lost a valuable Pokemon that day. I've learned that all that glitters (or shines) isn't gold. Oh what I'd give to get my Dusknoir back :cry:
yep. that's all
Yes, I have had many regrettable trades. Especially in the 4th gen of Pokemon. I traded many of my 10th Anniversary Pokemon (I had multiples because I had multiple games) for shiny Pokemon. Later to realize most if not all were hacked. :(
The one that stings the most is during the 10th Anniversary Celebi give away I accidentally got a Space Center Deoxys from Houston which was the location prior to mine. I had two Deoxys in my game and I traded the wrong one. @RashRiolu I too would give a lot to have that Deoxys back, just like you would for your Dusknoir.
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Actually, yes... Well, about two weeks ago when I reset my X to clean out my Pokebank, I left my most important Ditto in the Daycare, so I had to replace it, and in trying to replace it, I actually got scammed out of one of my HP ice Rotom and a 5IV Tyrunt someone gifted me for helping them out. It was quite the anger-inducing scenario.
...I left my most important Ditto in the Daycare...

I leave my Ditto in the Daycare too. If I could nickname it(can't, cause it's foreign, you know, Masuda Method, and I traded for it) it's name would be Replicator.

I had a shiny Arbok a friend gave me. I traded it. I didn't think I'd miss it as much as I did. :\
I remember one time when someone from miiverse was auctioning a diancie and then she said 4 shinies for diancie then afterwards she ended the trade and her pokemon pss character turned dark then I thought she was going to come back after 10 minutes I realized I was scammed ,therefore it made me angry and I regreted to trade with that girl and ever sinde that day I never went to Miiverse due to that incident.
Yeah, I had one. There was a Garchomp on GTS and the message said ''Has HA''
I traded my shiny Darkrai (I'm NOT a hacker) And then I got one with the ability
Drum roll........
Sand Veli.
I traded my friend a legit shiny Ursarang for his hacked darkrai back in soul sliver. Although I haven't gotten it back, he claims that if he can find his cartridge, he'll give it back to me. However, I have lost hope of this, since it was about 2 years ago that he said that ;-;
I remember trading an extra garchomp for something and it wasn't until after I traded that I realized it was actually a shiny garchomp. lol They really should have tried more for garchomp's shiny spirit . That was one lucky person on the GTS though!
  • #10
I don't know if this counts, but my biggest trade regret was when I traded my first ever Pokemon, a level 100 Venasaur named Apple, to My Pokemon Ranch on the Wii. I lost my Pokemon Diamond cartridge afterwards and was never able to withdraw it.

): It pains me too because I had like 100 Pokemon in that ranch.
  • #11
It was a fair trade I know. But it made my heart strings tug. You see I never had a Keldeo before,back in Pokemon X like 2 years ago someone requested a trade,he commented "Shiny for Shiny."I was a shiny fanatic I loved breeding my own,trading for them be it GTS,Wonder Trade which I rarely used or my friends. I took my time I had LOTS of shinies still do. So when this guy and I started trading,he placed up a shiny Charizard level 100 I showed him I had one as well,he then showed me a shiny jirachi I had one as well showed him. Next a Pachirisu,I did not have one but I offered a shiny Eevee to him,no deal okay no big deal. Then I showed him a shiny Shuckle,he had that, he showed me a shiny Mew,showed him mine,he then showed me a shiny dugtrio,I didn't have that so I showed him a shiny Gengar,no deal again they were fair. The guy got tired of the petty little 'game' of whats what. I laughed at his next action. He showed a normal Resolute forme Keldeo,level 53 decent enough. I thought for a minute as he waited then offered a shiny Reuniclus ,oh what a mistake... I mean I still have that Keldeo till today but that shiny Reuniclus I started to miss desperately I don't know why. and I was actually surprised he accepted a level 64 shiny for a level 52 MYTHICAL legendary. That Reuniclus it's affecting me so much even today,I remember the stats,nature and colours and everything oh it hurts. And blue is my favorite colour I even asked him If I could have it back--or well tried but he went offline before I could,hasn't been online since.

Question is...
Yes and no! Yes I loved the Keldeo I got checked with the Anistar mind reader girl it apparently liked me back and it was pretty rare to get a calm nature Keldeo. BUT I for some reason kept wanting Reuniclus back MY Reuniclus...

It to liked me.
Funny thing though,when I transferred my keldeo to my AS I read it's mind with the reader it disliked me. so when I replaced it back in X it liked me as if fated to stay there heh..

I miss you! I hope you have a great trainer...and not be wasted away in a PC...

And this Keldeo is like family to me to so either way I may miss him but I'm still happy
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  • #12
Yes, I do. I used to have this Altaria which I trained to level 100 in Pokemon Y. I used it to train my other Pokemon at victory road and the Elite 4.

One day, I came across this guy who was interested in trading his shiny level 100 Slamence for my Altaria. I just traded it without even thinking for a sec... Man, I feel so bad...
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  • #13
Yes, I once got shiny Blaziken which was my starter Pokemon I left it on the GTS for only a Mudkip. But the worst part is Blaziken still had a mega stone with it even though I had tons of Torchic eggs I couldn't mega evolve.
  • #14
We all have our weak moments in Pokemon and I'd like to see yours. Was there ever a Pokemon trade that you wish you could take back? Why did you make this trade, and why did you regret it?

I've made plenty of GTS trading mistakes such as trading 1/4 of my legendaries for shinies (with no knowledge of them being legit) but one I'll possibly take to the grave is the time I traded my trustworthy team member, Dusknoir, for another shiny Eevee. It seemed like a good idea at the time since I was trying to have all shiny eeveeloutions, but I lost a valuable Pokemon that day. I've learned that all that glitters (or shines) isn't gold. Oh what I'd give to get my Dusknoir back :cry:

Yeah, i haven't done any really nasty trades on gts, but i do remember my nephew playing pokemon y and got this weird spoink in wonder trade that somebody named "bellybump" an it was also shiny. Now heres what really got me im about to say here: he expected me to give him my zekrom for the thing. My first thought of course is have you lost your mind? Why would i do that? Of course, i openly declined as there was no way i was willing to do that or even wanting to. But like normal, i didn't burst out or anything, just simply said i wouldn't do it even though he tried to tease me so to speak saying it was shiny, he knew i was an extreme shiny hoarder then so he had it in his head that it was a sure shot.

But as i often say, i was no fool and wasnt about to let him win this so to speak. He tried to GTS the thing and that didn't work either, he asked me why and i simply reminded him of the goofy nickname it had but of course he said "but its shiny". That was a weird event by the way... I still think its weird when i look back at it kek :p
  • #15
Oh yes. Yes I have. I'm not even going to get in to all of the regrets I have on the GTS, Wonder Trade, and just regular trades period. Yikes. Painful, painful memories.
  • #16
Yes, I once got shiny Blaziken which was my starter Pokemon I left it on the GTS for only a Mudkip. But the worst part is Blaziken still had a mega stone with it even though I had tons of Torchic eggs I couldn't mega evolve.

I just want to say,you CAN NOT place a Pokemon holding a mega stone in the GTS just gonna add that. it's impossible,even with hackers,these are internet necessities,no one can change it.
  • #17
The worst trade i ever had was when i 'traded' Pokemon White For $5 (Technically A Pokemon Trade Lel). That copy of the game had several of my favorite pokemon like my first level 100 PkMn Emboar, My Prized Shiny Lillipup I got from a friend, my Zekrom, and a Mudkip. I was super mad and still regret it.
  • #18
I just want to say,you CAN NOT place a Pokemon holding a mega stone in the GTS just gonna add that. it's impossible,even with hackers,these are internet necessities,no one can change it.

Early on before multiple updates and patches you could Wonder Trade Mega Stones, at first. Later and now, no you can't trade them.

On a side note a major trade I regretted was Wonder Trading on Pokemon Sun and Moon and getting the Bad Egg... I was only about 5 hours into the game and after I made initial contact with Nintendo to report the issue of said Egg. It was highly recommended that I restart the game. At the time I had a shiny Wingull (sarcastic: yippee), but still a shiny and I didn't have any recourse at that time to trade it or any of the Pokemon I had grown fond of because it happened the day of release. Not everyone had the game yet or were busy playing. Either way I'm still upset that someone would trade a literal junk Pokemon or Egg to a random stranger, a real turd move if you ask me.
  • #19
This happend very recently actualy. I needed a new ditto for breeding purposes. so I decided, ditto for ditto. I traded it, and I realised something. 1. I got a terrible trade. 2. I forgot to take back the Destiny knot...

I almost cried...
  • #20
Okay gotcha Mew.

You poor soul... that poor Destiny Knot...