Have you ever...

  • Thread starter Marc
  • Start date
  • #361
Sneak playing pokemon ruby.
Have you ever played the pokemon challenges like nuslock, egglock, etc.
  • #362
Tried to do a Pokemon Nuzlocke on Black... Failed pretty badly :cry:

Have you ever broken or lost something really important to someone you know?
  • #363
Have you ever flipped over a table?
  • #364
No, but I really want to haha

Have you ever slept in a library?
  • #365

Have you ever saved someone's life?
  • #366
If getting help when my sister fell from the first floor window counts, yes.

Have you ever visited someone's profile and seeing that they were there 'A moment ago', scrambled to change the page? :p
  • #367

Have you ever had this thing:
You do something really good even you didnt do it before,but only this one time
  • #368

Have you ever broke something $100 or more, and lied to get out of it?
  • #369
The most expensive thing I ever broke costed 10€ and thats like 12$,so no

Have you ever forgotten the lyrics while you had to sing?(Never happened to me :p)
  • #370
On occasion. It's never happened when I've sung in front of people, thank goodness (which is very, very rare anyway.) It happens usually with the second verse, so I just replace that line with the corresponding line of the first verse and I don't forget the rest.

Have you ever wounded yourself scratching mosquito bites?
  • #371
Really often :p

Have you ever eaten chocolate with pudding filling?
  • #372
No but it sounds heavenly.

Have you ever walking into a test thinking you were totally prepared for it, only to look at the first page and realized you were gonna fail?
  • #373
Oh yes, Chemistry :rotfl:

Have you ever gotten the highest marks on a test you didn't study for? Best feeling ever.
  • #374
Never have I ever. xD

Have you ever tripped or ran into something as you walked by your crush?
  • #375
Yup, it's really sad, walking by him and suddenly run straight into a stop sign. :(
Have you ever tried to do a somersault and end up on your butt?
  • #376
No, never attempted a somersault cause I know I'd screw up badly.

Have you ever attempted something knowing you'd fail miserably?
  • #377
Yes. Speaking Spanish. >.<

Have you ever waltzed on the actual tracks of a subway? xD
  • #378
No. never been on one :p
Have you ever deleted a save file on a game accidentally ?
  • #379
Yes. FNAF3 save. :p

Have you ever lurked in the sb? :sneaky:
  • #380
Hundreds times :hilarious:

Have you ever deleted a NNID :p (can't possibly be)